Nick POV
Now being two months into our marriage, Eli and I are better than ever. We know when we are pushing each other's buttons and leave the room to cool off. And we know when we want one another.
The sun shone through the curtains on to my face. My hand moved around the bed only to feel it empty and Eli not there. When I turned over I saw a note on the pillow.
'I'll be back soon baby. I've got to go see an old friend then I'll be with you. I love you, don't miss me too much ;) - Eli'
I laughed at the drawing of a winking face but then I stopped when I felt nauseous. Immediately I dropped the note and ran to the bathroom to the toilet.
"Nick you alright?" Lexi came into the room.
I couldn't answer seeing as I was throwing up. She came over to me and rubbed my back comfortingly. Although I wish it was Eli, I know Lexi will help me if i need it.
After twenty minutes I finally stopped and flushed the toilet. I sat back against it and put my head in my hands.
"Hey, are you ok?" Lexi asked me.
"No." I whispered. Just then I turned back to the toilet and threw up again. Lexi rubbed my back and whispered comforting things to me.
When I stopped again I was able to get up and lay in bed. Lexi laid next to me, I know she had questions but so did I. That's when it hit me. With me having hermaphroditism I get periods every two months. So I get one then two months clean get one again.
I shot up and went to get my diary. Sure enough I was two weeks late for my period.
"No, no, no, no, no." I mumbled and went into the walk in wardrobe.
"Nick? What's going on?" Lexi followed me. I quickly changed into some jeans and a T-shirt to go to the shop.
"I'm late." Was all I said.
"Late for what? Nick what's happening?"
"Lex I have this condition called hermaphroditism. It's where I have both male and female reproductive systems. I get periods every two months." I explained as I quickly walked to the shop around the corner from the house with Lexi in tow.
"Wait? It can't be possible." She stated.
"Don't you think I know that. Lex, Eli told me he can cum a little being on earth but never a lot. How many times have we been at it because he's such a horny demon." I rushed out trying not to cry.
"H-have you che-," she started.
"Lexi do you I look like someone who would cheat? We had a three week gap then went back to it before we got married. I wouldn't ever cheat and I wasn't with anyone in that time gap." I told her, tears threatening to fall.
"Oh my god, nick." She looked at me with sympathy.
I quickly went into the shop and got what I needed. When I got back home, Lexi sat with me in her room while I took pregnancy tests. It may just be that I miscalculated my periods and don't actually have one this month. But to be sure, there is a possibility I'm pregnant.
"You can look now." Lexi told me when the timer went off.
When I got home with Darren, I went straight up to my room. Nick wasn't there so I went to Lexi's room, once again I didn't find him. Or Lexi.
So I went back downstairs only to see them sat with Brandon, Hannah and Darren. Brandon, Hannah and Lexi held sympathy in their eyes while nick was silently crying.
"Nick? Why are you crying?" I frowned and went straight to him and kneeled down in front of him. I put my hands on his knees to hold myself up.
"Please don't leave me." He begged and cried even more.
"Baby I don't think I would if I could." I wiped his eyes. "Tell me what's going on. I can't help if I don't know, can I?"
"Do you want me to tell him?" Lexi asked nick. He nodded and used his hands to cover his face.
"E, you got him pregnant." Her voice was just above a whisper.
"That's not possible." I laughed and stood up like it was some joke.
"Yes it is. It's very possible and you can hear the heartbeat. He's most likely six or seven weeks along." Hannah told me.
"Nick we won't be mad if you cheated, it's ok." Brandon told him.
"No, he didn't." I growled. "If he's that many weeks along then it happened after the wedding."
With that I walked away and out of the house. I slammed the front door behind me and didn't stop walking. Where I was going, I had no clue. How? I don't understand. Demons came produce, it just isn't possible.
"It is when you and lover boy go at it more than once a day." A demon smirked at me.
"What do you want, Carl?" I spat out. He is the second demon to have the power to read minds of supernatural and human beings.
"To help. I know you will need someone to deliver that baby of yours safely and make sure both baby and... carrier are safe." He told me.
"I can't be a father. Mine was crap when I was alive and my second father figure took away the love of my life. All I'll do is ruin the kids life." I sighed.
"I wasn't ready when I had my first born." Carl stood next to me. "No matter how much I told Lina to he's rid of the foetus she slapped my and told me no. But I'll tell you, the first time I saw her face something in me switched. The moment I held her for the first time I realised I could do it, I could raise the baby because I had people around me. And most of all I had Lina. When my baby girl was ten I got in that accident and died and here I am. What I'm trying to tell you is, that no matter what you tell yourself now, won't be the outcome in the end. You either will or won't be ready, and the ones that say they aren't are the ones that really are. Trust me, I know."
"So if you died in a car accident, how did you get to hell?" I asked him.
Car chuckled a little and looked down. "I had killed Lina's father because he was abusive and wouldn't let her leave to live with me. So I shot him in the head and took Lina with me. But enough about me, and me killing my wife's dad. You need me and I know it. Now take me to meet, uh do I say baby mamma or baby daddy?"
"Good question." I huffed out with a smile.
"You'll be alright mate. I've delivered many babies in my alive life. That was back in the 30's when a lot of women and babes would die. But when I did it they didn't, so you need me." He stated.
"Whatever. Just don't make my husband uncomfortable." I warned him sternly.
"Alright LL, calm then horns." Carl smirked making me roll my eyes.

ParanormalEli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...