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   Me and Stephanie enter the classroom with Johnny and Goose.

Lara:When are you guys going to grow up?.

Goose:Look the nerd invaded our sacred turf.

Johnny:"To Steph".Hey come on I wanna talk to you.Meet me for a smoke after class.

I start walking to my desk.

Stephanie:I quit.It's bad for your health.

Johnny:Oh yeah?.Well standing me up
is also bad.

Stephanie:Says who?.

Goose:Says the Sturgeon General
of the United States Stephanie.

   I make it to my desk and i sit down as the classroom noise gets louder and Miss Mason speaks up

Mason:All right,all right
everyone please take a seat.

Goose:I got mine."Goes to touch a girl".

The girl turns around and stares at him.

Goose:You loved it.

Rhonda:Oh God watch the nose.

Mcgee:"PA System".Good morning Rydell and welcome one and all to a new school year.I know this is going to be an exciting and stimulating year for all of us.First I'd like to extend a welcome back to our own Mr.Spears who made such a miraculous recovery from the mental exhaustion which sent him to the hospital last spring.Welcome back Mr.Spears.We're all rooting for you.Now Rydell is very proud of her extra curricular activities so please come out for band try outs.If you play an instrument it's better to play with a group than with yourself.

The class laughs.

Mcgee:"PA System".Auditions for the June Moon Talent Show will be held next month.Come out one and all.You could
win 100 long playing records.Last but not least we are fortunate to have a straight A student all the way from England
by the name of Michael Carrington.

Mason:Stand up Michael.

Michael stands up.

Mason:All right now let's all say
hello to Michael Carrington.

Everyone:Hello Michael Carrington.

Some students snicker.

Mcgee:"PA System".Let's have a wonderful year.

-1 week later-

Blanche:"Into horn".Rydell High beat the Cavaliers!.

Band:Rydell High beat the Cavaliers!.

Lara:So what's the story with you and Johnny?.

Stephanie:Let's just say I outgrew him over the summer.

Paulette:Yeah well he hasn't lost the hots for you.

Stephanie:Johnny just hasn't learned
when you're dead lie down.Besides there's gotta be more to life than making out.

I nod in agreement.

Paulette:You know I never thought of it that way.

   As we walk I see Michael running and I turn back to my friends quickly.

Cheerleader Twin 2:I think he's kinda cute.

Rhonda:Virgin alert!.Virgin alert!.

Stephanie:All male periscopes down.


-No Ones P.O.V-

Frenchy:So how's your first week been?.

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