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𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀.


Siyari walked around her dark apartment while singing along to the music that played lowly throughout it.

She was bored and alone but that didn't bother her, at times she would go to her aunty's house to spend time with her and at times she would go to her brother house to spend time with him, but that was rare.

She didn't mess with them like that. Her aunty treated her brother, Brenard, differently and better, and that always sat on her mind and messed with her.

It made her extremely upset at one point because she tried her very best to make her aunty proud and to make her love her the way she loved brenard but all Joy did was push Siyari away.

Siyari let it stop getting to her though, she soon figured out that she didn't need anyone to love her because all she needed was herself.

All she had was herself.

She walked to her kitchen and grabbed a bowl from out the cabinet and rinsed it out.

Siyari did hair for a living which made her a lot of money. She was 19 living in a 3 bedroom apartment with a 2018 Toyota Camry and she was more than thankful that god blessed her with everything she has at such a young age.

She opened her freezer and grabbed her cookie dough ice cream out.

"I don't need a bowl, I don't know why I grabbed this." She mumbled to herself, drying the bowl and putting it back into the cabinet.

Siyari used to be a really nice and joyful person but once she hit her junior year of high school, everything changed.

The things people said about her became more hateful and hurtful. At first she didn't let it get to her but once the words became hurtful, she broke down.

Her aunty was no help, she let her suffer. She always told Siyari sticks and stones may break your bone but words can not hurt. That didn't help SiYari not one ounce.

Siyari dealt with things deeper than that, her aunt, and brother picked at her for what she dealt with.

That broke her to know that they didn't take her seriously, and that they didn't care for her feelings or her well being.

She then grew angry and kept in so much anger and emotions. Eventually she was going to explode.

After getting her spoon, she walked to her living room and sat on the couch.

As she put the spoon filled with ice cream into her mouth, her phone began ringing, interrupting her music. She picked it up from off the table that sat in front of her.

Checking the caller ID, she rolled her eyes seeing it was the devil herself, Joy.

She let it ring 4 more times before answering. "Hello?" She answered, putting the phone up to her ear.

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