*Eighteen - No more*

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"That's really no ones buisness excpet mine is it?" I try to say as nicley as possible, but it comes out a little harsh. I stand up from my seat and walk into the kitchen. I hear Coco whispering in Harry's ear and my face flushes with anger and embaressment. I hope she's not saying anything about me.

I pull out my phone and lean against the counter, making sure a wall is blocking my view of Coco and Harry. I check out some of my new notifications and don't even notice Niall coming up beside me.

"I think it's cool you've never done any of that stuff" He whispers and I give him a small smile.


"We should play something else" Niall agrees and I place my phone back into my pocket. I immedietly nod my head, down with the game we were just playing.

"What will we play then?" Harry comes into the kitchen and I keep my focus away from him. Anger and annoyance is growing for both him and Coco.

"Do we have to play anything? Can't we just watch a movie? I say, looking at Niall, ignoring Harry.

"I'm down with that," Niall agrees.

"Lame" Harry pouts and my patients is growing thin. He's annoying and rude and disrespectful and just annoying when he's drinking. I don't really remember much of yesterday, but I don't remember him being like this. Maybe it's because I'm not as drunk as I was yesterday. I know I'm just upset he was laughing at my virginity, but still.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I continue to block out Harry.

"I don't care," Niall says.

"Well, we can look on the Netflix. They have Netflix."


Niall and I leave the kitchen and walk into the living room where we find Coco snoring on the couch. I'm happy she's sleeping, but I don't want her to stay the night. What if Harry lets her sleep in the same bed as him? I push the thought back and skim through the movies. Niall sits close to me, but I don't think much of it. Harry hasn't came in here since we left the kitchen and I don't turn my head to find out what he's doing.

"Wait, so she has to sleep with that creep?" Niall whispers to me during the middle of the movie.



"Because the creep said that he'll kill the guy she secretly loves if she doesn't."

"Wow, that's low."

"Yeah, it is." I laugh.

"Will you guys stop talking. Im trying to watch the movie." Harry groans before shuffling in his seat to get more comfortable. I can tell that all of our buzzes have gone with the night. Coco still taking hers into a slumber. I can feel my eyes getting heavy, but I want to finish the movie.

"I think I'm going to go home," Niall says before standing up.

"Oh, okay," I mutter, unsure if I should walk him out or not. When he looks down at me, waiting I stand up. Harrys lying on his back with his hands behind his back watching us.

"Could you take Coco?"

Niall stops and turns to Harry, "What?"

"Could you, yah know, take Coco with you? I don't want her sleeping here," Harry explains and I can't help the joy that comes over me at the thought of him not wanting her to stay. Whats wrong with me?

"Oh." Niall looks unsure. "That's fine, I guess."

Harry nudges Coco and she doesn't move until he does it again.

"What?" She groans.

"Niall is going to take you home."

"Can't I stay here?" She closes her eyes again.

"No." He pushes on her to get up and she huffs before standing. I can tell she's embarrassed, but tries not to show it as she makes her way out the door and into the hallway. Her makeup is smeared and her hair is a mess which makes me smile at how unattractive she looks.

"Hurry up so we can finish the movie," Harry says and it takes a second for me to realize he's talking to me. He presses pause on the movie as Niall and I start to walk toward the door.

"You can press play, I'll only be a second and I've already seen this."

"No, just hurry up." Harry demands and I scowl at him, but Niall presses on my arm to go forward out the door.

NIall, Coco and I ride down the elevator in silence and I honeslty don't even know why I'm walking Niall down. I hope he doesn't take it as a weird way. I'm just being friendly, I guess.

"I'm going to go pee before we go" Coco says as we step off the elevator. Niall and I wait outside the bathroom for her and my phone begins to ring. I apologize to Niall before pulling out my phone and looking to see that my dad is calling me. I wonder why he's calling so late?

"It's just my dad. I'll have to call him back later," I say, putting my phone back into my pocket.

"You miss your parents?"

"Very." I give weak smile. "I want to go home. I miss my little brother too."


"Yeah, its cool here and all, but I wish I had better company." I remember how Harry treated me at first and still kind of treats me. I know why he acts the way he does, but that doesn't make it okay.

"Harry's not so bad."

I huff in response. "Sure."

"I think he likes you." He says and I look up to him, confused. I can feel my cheeks reddening at the thought of him liking me, but I know that in no way is it true. He's rude to me and hasn't done anyting nice to me at all. Plus, he rejected me last night when I supposedly tried to kiss him. Oh, man. . . No wonder Harry was making fun of me.

"No he doesn't," I laugh.

"I think he does. You can't tell by the way he looks at you?"

"What do you mean?" I can't help, but ask.

"I don't know. He looks at you all the time and he always smiles when you smile." My stomach fluters. I need to stop this. He doesn't like me.

"Oh." Is all I say. "I think he likes Coco."

NIall laughs and starts to say something, but Coco comes out of the bathroom. She gloats about how nice the bathroom is and she walks toward the front doors. Niall and I follow behind her.

"So. . . I had fun" Niall states.

"Me too. We need to hang out again before Ieave. I'm leaving next week." I remind him and myself. I'm happy that I'm going home in a week, but I kind of hate the fact that I'm not going to ever see Harry after this.

"Well, we could go to dinner or something and go to central park. You haven't been there yet right?"

"No! I haven't! We should go!" I say, excitedly. "Harry wouldn't take me." I know it was the snow, but either way, I don't think he wants to take me anyway.

"Okay" He smiles. "I'll call you."

I give Niall a hug at the door and he and Coco walk to the a whie truck, parked on the side of the road that I'm guessing is Niall's. It must be nice to have a car and not have to take a taxi everywhere. It sucks that Niall lives here. When I leave, our friendship will most likely end.

I can't help the thoughts swarming my head as I ride back up the elevator. What Niall said has made my brain mush. What if Harry stares at me a lot like NIall said. I mean I've notcied him staring sometimes, but just a few times. I didn't think much of it. My stomach continues to turn as I open the door to the room and I step inside.

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