Until your last breath and after

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A month has passed since nick got his memories back. Lexi, Hannah, Darren and Brandon were very confused as to why but didn't question it. They were just happy to have normal nick back.

Like a spell had broken, nicks mum left, his dad became his old self, drunk and abusive. The so called friends nick had don't even have memories of even meeting nick. Like lucifers mind control wore off when nick remembered me, the times we had with the others as well.

In my room, I paced the floor with my wings out. Like always, nick walked in and wrapped his arms around me. I did the same with him as well as my wings.

"I love you." Nick rubbed his cheek on my chest.

"I love you to." I chuckled a little and kissed his head.

"You know we can't exactly have kids?" He looked up at me. I nodded and waited for him to carry on. "When the time is right, I was thinking maybe we could adopt."

A soft smile formed as I looked down at my beautiful boyfriend. "Of course. Whenever you want to."

"What about you? You'll stay young and be left behind. I don't want you to be alone." Nicks eyes glossed over.

"We can't help that. I will watch over our decedents and keep them from any harm. I promise you, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to the future. Until your last breath and after, I will always love you. Don't doubt for a second that I won't stop. Even in death I'll love you, and I won't move on because you're it for me. No one will come close to you." I told him.

"I love you to. More than I can say or show you." He smiled a little.

"You already have." I whispered and kissed him deeply yet softly.

My wings unwrapped from around us and retracted into my back. I pushed on nicks chest to walk backwards to get to our bed. Once nick was laid back, i straddled should waist making sure to keep the deepness of the kiss so it wouldn't turn into anything else.

Well that all went south when nick bucked up his hips to meet mine. I groaned in his mouth and bit his bottom lip, tugging at it when I pulled away.

"I'm trying to not take you right now. And if I do you won't be walking for a week." I growled.

"Eli." Nick said with a bit of a moan. "Can I try something with you?"

I smirked and nodded getting off him. I let nick take the lead yet I could still sense his nervousness. He pushed me back on the bed so I was on my back and moved up. Nick straddled my waist and started kissing my neck while his hands roamed my chest and abs.

He kissed down my chest and got to the waist band of my joggers. We both pulled them down with my boxers leaving me naked for nick to look over my body.

A loud moan came from me and my hands shot to nicks head when he started kissing and licking up my shaft. My fingers buried themselves in his hair begging him to just take me all in and don't stop until I cum.

Just like that, nick took me into his mouth until I hit the back of his throat. He bobbed his head up and down, each time swirling his tongue over my tip. With each swirl I moaned and threw my head back in pleasure. Where did he get this from?

I didn't even have to guide his head, it was amazing just as it was. Hands down the best fucking blowjob I've ever had. Nick was a natural yet I don't know if this was his first time. Soon enough, I came with a loud groan causing nick to swallow it.

"Holy fuck." I breathed out and let my head fall back on to my pillow.

"How was it?" Nick asked, his voice full of worry that I didn't enjoy it.

"How was it?" I panted. "Fuck have you ever done that before? That was fucking mind blowing."

"Really?" His eyes lit up. "I've never done that before. I saw a video of guys doing it and wanted to try it on you." He blushed and looked down.

I sat up and put my fingers under his chin to make him look at me.

"If you could feel what you do to me, then you would be mind blown. Trust me, it was amazing. If my moaning didn't tell you that then I don't know what will." I smiled softly at him.

"I know what you can do." Nick smirked.

"What's that?" I asked, already knowing. I didn't even wait for him to start the next sentence before I pushed him on the bed and kissed down his body. When I got to his hard on, I licked and kissed up and down it before taking him in my mouth.

Nick screamed out in pleasure and tugged my hair. His moans filled the room as well as his heavy breathing. I had to keep pushing his hips down so he couldn't lift them up. In the end I just held him down by his hips not his thighs.

Hearing nick moan I moaned as well. The vibrations went from my throat on to his hard shaft in my mouth causing nick to moan louder than before.

Within minutes, the small boy underneath me was a moaning mess. With one swirl of my tongue over his sensitive tip, nick came. I swallowed it then came away from him, moving to hover over him.

"How was it?" I smirked at him.

"T-there is n-no way to describe how good you did. Was that your first time? It doesn't seem like it." Nick breathed out.

"It was. You were a couple of my first times really. You were the first guy I've had sex with, you gave me my first blowjob, you were the first person i gave a blowjob to. And I don't regret any of it." I leaned down and kissed him.



"How much do you love me?" He asked.

"More than anything I've ever loved in my life." I whispered.

"Can you make love to me? I don't want to be just sex anymore."

"I already have." I chuckled a little. "Every time we've done it. And especially when I asked you to marry me. Which we will do soon, alright? I want to make you a hale as soon as I can."

"How soon?" Nick smiled.

"As soon as you are ready." I told him.



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