[31] tea is never just tea kai, you stupid mf

Start from the beginning

Wu pulled on the shoulder of his robe and everyone sucked in a gasp. A cruel scar crawled across his shoulder, aged, definitely, but it looked painful. Lloyd closed his mouth, seeing the pain in his uncle's eyes. He'd known his whole life that his father was a bad man, but just knowing he had the power of Destruction, something so dark and desolate... if he could change his last name, he wouldn't need second thoughts.

"What can we do? To stop him?" Cole demanded, shooting determined looks to everyone. "We have the power, the elements to stop him, we can do something about him."

"We're just teenagers, Cole." Jay replied, casting an uneasy glance around the room for allies. "We'd be risking our lives, even Master Wu couldn't defeat Garmadon. No offence, Master."

"I may take some, young Walker, for I was naive when I tried to stop my brother's rule. I was brash and I needed to stop him. Despite that, Jay is right. You're just teenagers, your powers are only showing signs and Garmadon has a powerful elemental on his side. I am taking careful measures to delay this until your powers are strong enough that you can use them, but for now, cultivate what you can get, and drink your tea."

"What is tea going to do?" Kai scoffed, yet he still drank from the cup in his hands. "It's just tea."

"Tea is never just tea, Kai." Wu reprimanded strictly. "For example, the shavings in this blend? It's from a black stone named Amnestone, closely related to Vengestone, a material that nullifies powers if used as chains and such. But Amnestone does the opposite. It speeds up an elemental master's growth to their power, and as you've experienced, mutes everything around you so you can focus. Pixal has been helping me with the shavings."

Pixal nodded. "Amnestone is certainly interesting. There are no scrolls or texts on it because it's such a recent discovery."

"Which reiterates my point. Shortly after your return to Ninjago High, I will be embarking on a journey to find a powerful relic that may be able to stop Lord Garmadon. Pixal will take over your meditation and exercises while I've been gone, and you can use that nifty room of yours behind your lockers."

"You know about that?" Lloyd spluttered. And the beanbags I stole from you to put in there?

"Why do you think I assigned you that corridor?" Wu asked dryly. "Your training is important, and everything you can use should be valued greatly."

"Right." he mumbled, curling in on himself. Wu left the room silently, leaving it considerably more awkward than when he'd entered.

Someone's phone started ringing loudly and Skylor sighed, shuffling outside to pick it up. Nya and Pixal exchanged a glance as Lloyd's gaze landed on the abandoned controllers.

"Anyone up for a game?"


"Stop trying to kill me!"


"Aw man, c'mon Rip—fuck!" Astra weaved to one side as the blade flashed past. Her mentor flicked his wrist back, sheathing his training katana easily. "Why can't Troya come back and train me? She's been on the mission for like, four days."

"It's up near Jamanaki Village, Rea," Riptide gestured for her to store away her sword and to wipe down the mats and pick up her bow. "It's a four hour drive there and back, and she wants to make the most of her trip there."

She nodded lightly, changing her stance to ready for shooting. Astra was currently using an optic, but Tellum earlier had stated that once she was comfortable with it, she'd be doing without one to lose weight in battle. Plus, it was good to gauge distance with just the naked eye even when she wasn't shooting. Astra cocked the crossbow with a grunt, and loaded the barrel with a training bolt, aligning the vane with the barrel channel. The arrow was longer than normal for a crossbow seeing as she needed the bolts to double as arrows when she switched over to a normal bow, but Tellum had given her a pouch of shorter bolts to use if need be.

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