Lexi POV
After eating dinner at a fellow supernaturals house with his wife and kids, Hannah, Brandon, Darren and I went home.
"Looks like Eli's asleep." Hannah stated when we pulled up to the house.
"Poor kid probably cried himself to sleep again." Derek sighed.
"Maybe we can ask lucifer to do something. Like let him have nick back." I suggested.
"No baby girl it doesn't work like that." Darren chuckled a little. "Once something is done it can't be reversed by even god himself. He'll be ok in time though. Everyone heals but never fully."
With that we all got out of the car and went into the house.
"I'm gonna go check on Eli. I'll be back in a minute." I told them. They nodded and I ran up the stairs quietly.
I softly knocked on the door but got no answer. The door was locked so I flicked my wrist and unlocked it to get inside. Once I looked on the bed, my eyes widened when I saw Eli and nick cuddled up together, naked may I add.
"Han, Darren, Brandon. Come up here." I whispered knowing they would still be able to hear me. I heard them come up the stairs and ask me what I want.
"Look." Was all they told me.
"What the hell?" Darren mumbled. "Do you think they actually, you know."
"They may have reacquainted and didn't tell us about it. For all we know they could be boyfriends again." I shrugged.
"Lex if you don't shut up I'm going to hit you." Eli mumbled sleepily.
"Sorry." I giggled a little.
"Turn the light off to." Nick said.
"The light isn't even on." I rolled my eyes.
"Why is it so bright?" He looked up. "It is on dumbarse. I got the hallway one shining right in my face."
"Did you just call me a dumbarse?" I gasped dramatically.
"Yes, Lexi. Now please go away." Eli growled.
"Nah ah, bitches. What the hell is going on?" I sassed. Just then Eli got his wings out covering himself and nick so I couldn't see them. "Rude much."
"Lexi I swear I will slap the shit out of you if you don't leave." Eli growled deeper.
"Wanker." I growled back and walked out of the room.
With my wings around me and nick, I heard Lexi call us names and left my room. After the door shut, I retracted my wings and pulled nick closer to my chest.
"She doesn't care if we are naked as long as she talks or gets an argument with you." Nick chuckled.
"She's fucking crazy. But that's what I love about her." I smiled a little. I opened my eyes to see Nick already looking at me.
"What do you love about me?" He asked.
"What do I love about you?" I smirked then rolled on top of him. "I love your eyes, your cute little button nose. Your gorgeous face, your amazing body. And most of all, I love that you accepted me when I'm a monster."
"You're far from a monster. I know a real one and he goes by dad to me." He sighed.
"Don't think about him. You can stay here again, be with me." I stated.
"I don't know, Eli." Nick said but I could see the mischief in his eyes. I pinned his arms above his head and kissed and sucked his neck.
"This ring wasn't just a Christmas gift, Nick. It's a promise ring and an engagement ring in one. I promise to look after you until your last breath, I promise to protect you from here on out. And I promise to love you unconditionally and treat you like the prince you are." I told him.
"How did you know I would say yes anyway?" He asked.
"I didn't. It was an option incase you did say yes. And you did so I got the good one."
"You know lucifer never took this from me. He deleted your number from my phone and all of the pictures I took of us." Nick sighed.
"I didn't know who got it for me and wanted to remember because I felt guilty, and it never came to for them three weeks. But then I did remember and I'm here with you."
"You are always welcome here. And that's a promise." I told him.
"Thank you Eli." He turned to me. "For giving me a home that I feel safe in, for a family and more. And you. Thank you for getting me away from my dad when you did. I was slowly losing hope and didn't know what else to do. So thank you."
"You don't have to thank me. I think deep down I knew you'd be it for me. I was just to stubborn to admit it." I chuckled lightly.
"I love you Nikolai Kyle Smith."
"I love you to, Eli Joseph Hale."
"I like my surname." I smirked.
"Why's that?" Nick asked.
"Because it'll be yours soon."

ParanormalEli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...