First impressions

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Your pov
Once i got to my seat i took out my phone and started to play some games i noticed a tiny purple guy right next to me drooling?
,, Hi im Y/N?" I say with an unsure voice ,, Well hi~" He says and starts to get a little too close ,,
Suddenly i feel a chop like motion next to my head. I look up and notice a guy with glasses yelling at what i suppose is Mineta. He puts out his hand ,, Hello! Im Tenya Iida and i apologize for his behavior- BAKUGOU GET OFF IF THE TABLE!" As i slowly turn my gaze back to my phone, i start to think about to boy who bumped into me ,, No Y/N don't make this cliche" I think to myself as i snap back to reality when i see a yellow sleeping bag fall in the floor. But then i noticed that that's not a thing but a person?!? ,, Hello everyone welcome to U.A" A man with dark long hair and eye bags greets us tiredly. I suppose thats the teacher. ,,Please introduce yourselves..."
After class during lunchtime
Shoto pov
,, So the name of the girl i bumped into is L/N Y/N.. ugh why am i overthinking" i think to myself. I've so far became friends with Midoriya Uraraka and Iida when i came into the lunch room i saw Y/N with them i greeted them all sat down and began to eat.

The day i bumped into you - Shoto Todoroki x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat