Destiny pulled up to her apartment, getting out as Peter pulled up behind her, parking the car. Destiny was about to make her way up the stairs of her apartment, but was stopped by Peter.

"Destiny, what the hell happened back there? You were so worried about Andre. When you found him, you jump in your car and get the hell out of dodge as though the devil were coming up from behind," Peter said.

Destiny turned to Peter with tears in her eyes. "More like the devil was busy seducing my boyfriend in her truck outside of the very company that is now owned and run by her son. Why would Andre give into Olivia Godfrey? That is what I don't understand. He's told me many times before that he couldn't stand Olivia and Roman Godfrey. Why screw a woman that you hold so much hatred for?"

"That's the thing that isn't adding up. Because you said it yourself; Andre hates her. I don't think he would go and stoop so low to go and fuck a woman that he has so much hatred for. What if Andre was set up to make him look like he was cheating on you," Peer tried to reason.

"You didn't see the scene that was taking place in that truck. I did! He lied to me about hating Olivia. I bet he was only using me to get a good laugh that he could share with his whore, Olivia," Destiny snapped.

"And I'm telling you it doesn't sound like Andre. The way he always talk about you...It's always filled with love. He would never go and hurt you like that. Just wait until Andre comes home. That way he can explain himself to you. Give him a chance to defend himself; or at least explain why he did what he did," Peter tried to reason. "Maybe he will call and explain everything that is going on."

"Fine. Maybe I should hear him out before I go and accuse him of doing something like sleeping with Olivia Godfrey. I just hope to god that it wasn't him in the parking lot with that whore bag," Destiny said. "Why don't you come inside and crash here for the night? I honestly don't want to be left alone tonight. Please say that you will stay here with me tonight?"

Roman pulled Alyse in the room locking the door behind and blocking it, that way Alyse couldn't get out of the room. "Stop! You are going to stress yourself and our child out. You need to calm down. You can kill the house guest at another time."

Alyse stopped trying to break out of the room, glaring at Roman. "Why do you defend her? Did you take a liking to our guest? Because I can fix that, that way you can understand the feelings I'm feeling right now! You couldn't just let me go and live my life! No, you had to come searching for me and drag me all the way back here. Let me make this clear right now Roman, our marriage won't be a happy blissful one. It will be filled with misery, just for you. Every morning, afternoon and night there will be no peace. Hell, you would be lucky if I ever found a moment that I need a break from losing it with you!"

Roman snapped grabbing Alyse around the neck and holding her close to himself. "I don't like nor do I appreciate he way you are talking to me right now. I won't excuse it again. You need to find a happy balance with our child and a better hold on your hormones. Another outburst like this could get you in a world of trouble. Now why don't you go and lay down. You could use the rest. We had quite an interesting moment earlier. Sleep the rage off and then come and speak to me when you wake up."

Alyse began feeling tired all of a sudden. No matter how hard Alyse tried, she succumbed to the darkness that was beginning to invade her vision. I'm sorry my love, but it's the only way to keep you from doing anything to endanger our unborn child. We are going to be the perfect family. Nobody will take you or our children away from me, Roman thought before his phone rang.

Roman pulled the phone from his pocket before answering it. "What?"

"Now is that seriously anyway to greet your loving mother," Olivia asked.

"What is it that you could possibly want Olivia? This better be worth my time," Roman snapped.

"You have always been impossible to deal with. But I guess that will be as close to an appreciative greeting I will get. Anyway, I have managed to keep our little secret safe. I hid the body and made sure to have someone wear the annoying Gypsy man's clothes, so that way we won't have to worry about that Rumancek whore digging around where she's not supposed to. No doubt that Peter will be distracted with caring for his darling cousin for a while," Olivia said.

"I'm sure you killed the person after they fulfilled their purpose with you. Did you dispose of that body as well," Roman asked.

"It was in the area where only select few people park. Nobody will find it," Olivia said.

"How the hell could you go and say that?!? There are still people who do morning jogs around the building where you left the body. It will be found and it will be all over the news. Then Peter and Destiny Rumancek will be back at the white tower, to see if it is truly her loving boyfriend's body, if they don't identify it first. Get rid of the damn body the right way Oliivia," Roman snapped before hanging up the phone.

Olivia hung up the phone while trying to keep it together. I don't give a damn what Roman wants. Nobody goes in the building where Cornelius is being kept. I'll leave the body where it is. Who knows, maybe an animal will stop by and eat it, Olivia thought to herself as she drove the rest of the way home. 

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