King Thrandruil

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The dwarves and myself get marched through the main gate by the guards and all the dwarves expect Thorin are lead down to the dungeon. Thorin and myself are lead to the throne room where Thrandruil is seated on his throne glaring down at us. I bow low but Thorin remains standing straight glaring at Thrandruil. He stands "Some would believe a quest is at hand, a quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon." He interrogates Thorin continuing to glare at him. Thorin yells at him about the mountain and then something in Dwarfish. Thrandruil practically growls at him getting right up in Thorin's face. I close my eyes for a moment remembering the day at the mountain as Thrandruil turned away. 

Thrandruil dismisses Thorin and two guards come forward dragging him away down to the dungeons. Thrandruil turns to me and glares "Your choice in company has certainly gone down hill since you left Mirkwood." I smile slightly "They have been kind to me." he shrugs slightly "Dwarves should never be trusted." I shrug slightly "I disagree." he scowls sitting down gracefully on his throne "One of your kind passed through here a few years ago. I sent him up to the mountain passes near the troll caves." I frown "Why?" he shrugs "I have heard some very interesting things about your kind from a man called Striker."

I scowl "Striker was here?" he nods something dark flickering in his eyes."He warned me of your kind. The smiles and pretty faces that you hide behind." I scowl "You believed him?" he smiles coldly and nods "He offered a large sum for you, even told me how to stop you escaping. Warned me of your deceiving ways." I sigh giving him a small smile "Thrandruil you know me. I would never do anything to hurt you or Mirkwood." he grins "I would have believed you but Striker offered more than just money for your capture."

He waves his hand and four guards walk forward two of them holding heavy chains with runes carved into them. I scowl "What are you doing?" he smiles turning to another elven guard "Send word to Striker, I have found the one he is looking for." I struggle against the two guards but two more grab me while two more cuff my wrists. The runes glow for a moment and my legs collapse under neath me "What-what did you do?"

The guards start to drag me away and Thrandruil smiles "They drain your magic. A gift from Striker should you return." I scowl yelling "I helped you." he shrugs and leans back in his throne "That means nothing." I continue to struggle against the chains already feeling weak and drained "You'll regret this. Striker can not be trusted." 

I feel the last of my magic leaving me and stop struggling against the guards as they drag me further down into the dungeon. They throw me into a dark cell slamming the door behind them as they leave. I frown lifting my head slightly to examine the chains. Every rune for every possible means of escape. Everything feels heavy and tired. I lean my head back down on the cold stone and stay their not having the energy to move. 

"Ely?" I lift my head slightly "Bilbo?"

 "I'm going to get you out of here." 

"Where are you?"

 "Its hard to explain, how do I get you out of here?" 

 "The keys will be with the main guard probably down in the wine cellar."

 "Where is that?"

"Follow the stairs down have a look around. You'll need to know the layout before you break anyone out of the cells." 

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