Chapter 5: Blessé

Depuis le début

Canada, in short terms, got tired of his brothers bitching.

But still, he did listen to America and avoided Russia as much as possible. It didn't care for it anymore, the whole communism thing, but he did fear Russia and his violence.

"I won't tell America." England said after a few moments of Canada trying to think of an excuse. Canada looked at England in a bit of a shock and blinked. England smiled. "Just between you and me."

Canada did live with England for a time, back and forth, and England did take care of him, especially after America left and became independent. The two of them were very close after that. Even if England forgot who he was sometimes, the two still had their own conversations, private, and England wouldn't tell a soul, just as well as Canada wouldn't. So, it assumed it was safe to tell.

"W-Well I was helping him." Canada said unsurely.

"More detail Williams." England said.

"He was sick and I've been taking care of him." Canada kinda muttered. "N-nothing more."


"Well I don't want Al to know bout it, he'll get all mad and stuff."

"I suppose that's true." England signed. "Alright, I just wanted to know what you were doing, don't get killed alright?"

"O-Okay. I won't."

"Well, England turned to leave. "I'll see you around, and I won't tell America." Canada thought the Brit gave a wink, but maybe he just imagined it as England left.

Kumajirou looked up at Canada after England left, Canada returned the look. "What?"

"Who are you?"

"Canada." He said and went into his own room.

He ordered himself and Kumajirou some breakfast in his horrible Japanese, took a short shower, and changed into some clean clothes.

"Home." Kumajirou said as Canada finished getting dressed. Canada blinked.

"You wanna go home huh?" Canada said. "We're probably be leaving tomorrow, maybe even today, I'm not sure." Kumajirou scratched his behind his ear and flopped onto the bed more. Canada picked up some of the dirty clothes and things he had laying around the room and packed them away, he would clean it when he got back home.

"I'm gonna go back and check on Russia.""Sick."

"Yea he is.""No. You."

Canada blinked. "I'm just a little stuffy, nothing more. My head aches gone and everything. I'll deal with it when I get home." Kumajirou pouted and frowned, he still worried about his owner even if he didn't remember his name. "Don't worry about it." He added in to comfort the bear.

"OK." He said and made himself comfortable in the sheets of the bed. Canada yawned and stretched out, he was a bit stiff from his night in that chair, and that unpleasant awaking didn't help. If he didn't wake up himself, he didn't wanna wake up and would be tired until he went to bed later on.

"Alright, I'll be back." Canada said and left the bear to continue watching anime on the TV. Canada went back to Russia's room, he didn't barge in anymore and he knocked.

There was no answer at first, he didn't hear anything inside either. He knocked again and finally Russia answered.

"Hi Rus-"

"What do you want?" He was harsh again and didn't let the Canadian in.

Canada blinked. "W-what?"

"What. Do. You. Want?" Russia put it in simple terms.

"I um…" He trailed off as he noticed Russia's sisters inside with a tense mood. Belarus was clearly mad, more then her usual phyco self, and Ukraine looked like she was going to cry. Something had happened. "Um. What's going on?"

"None of your business." Russia said. He looked back at Belarus and then shot a look at Canada. "Go away, go home." Canada was confused, what happened while he was gone?


Russia wanted the boy to leave, he tried something else. "I want you to leave. You haven't done anything helpful, you are an annoying little отродье. You, are a nuisance."

Ouch, that hurt a little. "R-Russia I don't under-"

"It is no wonder why France gave you up."


Russia's face remained the same as Canada didn't move. That comment hurt, it really hurt. He looked down and felt striking pain in his chest. Russia figured out what was his weakness was, France loosing him, "abandoning" him.

Canada slowly looked back up at the Russian and tried to hold back his tears, it was the one thing he couldn't take.

"I-I get it. I'll be gone today okay! I'll be out of your hair!"

"Where are you going?"

"Where you told me to go, home!" Canada felt the tears finally breaking through his attempts to block them. He ran away back to his own room and slammed the door.

Russia watched the boy leave and closed the door. He got a sad look knowing he hurt the boy who had only helped him, but after what happened, he knew Matthew had to leave.

"Добра брат. Я шчаслівы, што вы пагадзіліся са мной, з намі." Belarus said.

Thank you~

First off, this is influenced by "Giving In" By Artificial. We did talk it over and the author has given me permission to start it like this. As you can see, it is changing direction.

Well, I don't own the characters, nor the anime they are from. I am not profiting from this either as apparently people think that you can make profit from this stuff (esp on youtube meh) but I don't see how you possibly can, nor do I even wanan know!

Also, as you can see, I'm finally turning it away. I've been learning the history of America (yay) in class, so I've learned a few things bout wars with America, England, France (with Canada), and the native Americans. So, that little thing with France and Canada is kinda from that. Apparently France and England had a war over land and stuff and France lost control of "Canada" (who was not a nation yet, just a colony) and England took over.

So with Hetalia, suposively Canada was tossed back and forth between England and France while England always kept America.

Yeah. Look at me knowing stuff! XD

McCarthyism refers to the Red Scare in the 1920s and again in the 40s/50s (I'm not sure the real time period) It was something I learned in English class (we compared it to the Salem Witch trails) where people were afraid of communism in America. They started naming people as communists with no evidence and it killed people's careers and people would sell their friends and family out to keep any "secrets" of being a communist. If you were seen as one, your life would be ruined. You couldn't even "take the 5th" (keeping silent), they would say that YOU were the communist. So, a little history lesson there for ya ;D

And, to find out what was going on with Belarus and Ukraine, wait til the next chapter~ (You'll see why Russia was such a ***)



Blessé: Hurt


Отродье: Brat.


Добра брат. Я шчаслівы, што вы пагадзіліся са мной, з намі.: Good brother. I'm happy you agreed with me, us.

Translated by google translator!


RusCan: Snowy RelationshipsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant