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Nick POV

Sitting in maths, I got that headache back. Except it was worse than this mornings one. Like that paracetamol helped for an hour and that was it. Stupid tablets never help me with any pain.

That was when a sharp pain came, I winced and put my hand to my head. While the pain was shooting through my head, I saw something flash through my head. Like it was a distant memory or something yet it was fuzzy.

Only when I became clearer I saw it was me. My first day at school and I walked up to two people sitting at a table. I asked them to sit down and the boy said no, but the girl gladly let me take a seat seeing as it was my first day.

"Sorry about him, he's a grumpy pants." The girl rolled her eyes. "I'm Lexi. Please take a seat."

And I did. She asked me what I was going at the college and I told her that I was here for art. Then we went on to look at mine and Eli's sketchbooks. Finally the pain stopped and I was able to concentrate, only to see the whole class and teacher staring at me.

"Are you ok, nick?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Just a bit of a headache, I'm ok now." I smiled reassuringly.

But that doesn't explain that thing. It was like I was seeing a memory of some sort. But that wouldn't explain why I would forget it.

After maths was history. Luckily I don't have Eli or Lexi in any of my classes other than art, which I have at the end of the day.

As soon as I sat down, I had another sharp pain and another vision. I was sat in a girls room with Eli sat on the window seat and Lexi on the bed. We had a drawing competition to see who was the best. Then a man named Darren came in and helped Lexi decide, he chose Eli's one.

"Which one is better? I can't decide." Lexi told Darren.

"Hmmm, I like both. Both are really good. Going on film characters I'd go with Jack the pumpkin king. But both are really good." Darren smiled.

Once again, when the pain stopped, everyone was looking at me. The teacher asked if I was ok, once again I said yes and it was just a headache.

These can't be just visions, they feel like memories. Like I'm remembering the missing part of my life.

Near to the end of history, once again I got a pain. Only this time it was of Eli taking me home. I had tried to give him money for petrol but he denied it and made it disappear, like this morning. Yet he lied to my parents about lying, why?

When it stopped it just got up with my bag and left. It was lunch and I sat with my friends, not seeing Eli, Lexi or Brandon at all.

"Hey, does anyone have any paracetamol?" I asked my friends.

One of the girls handed me one saying she kept them on hand incase she needed to take one to dull her period cramps. I got my bottle of water and took it hoping it would help, but boy was I wrong.

I closed my eyes and held my head. What came up scared me. My dad beating me and hurting me. My mum left and he blamed me for it. But this doesn't make any sense.

Then it skipped to school where I had broken my ribs. I passed out and woke up with Eli in the school medical room with me.

"Tell me you do not get abused by your dad. Tell me that doesn't happen." Eli's eyes begged me to tell him he was wrong.

"N-no. N-no I-I d-don't get abused." I lied.

"Hey, you alright?" The same girl asked me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I lied and forced a smile. What is going on?

Finally, the last three hours of the day just drawing. Hopefully this helps me get my mind off things and the pain of the headaches.

After I got my sketchbook out, I remembered the drawing of pennywise I did. Quickly, I flicked through my book to come across it. So it must be memories I'm getting back, but how did I lose them?

"Hey, Eli." I looked at him after putting my book down and closing it.

"Hey, what's up?" He looked at me.

"I'm struggling to draw something. Can I look through your sketchbook to get some ideas, please?" I asked him.

"Uh, sure. It may not be much help." He chuckled a bit nervously and handed the book over.

Slowly I looked through it like the very first time I did. Remembering every drawing I saw and am seeing for the second time. I came across the same Jack the pumpkin king picture from the memory. I flicked through a couple more drawings then saw one of me, with the date in the corner.

Once I was done, I closed the book and gave it back to him. "Thanks." I smiled a little.

"No problem. Did you find anything?" Eli asked as he flicked to an empty page and started drawing.

"Yeah, the Jack the pumpkin king one looks good. I might do it when he's being dragged in that wood thing. Similar to yours." I told him.

Just then, Eli stopped drawing. He had a distant look in his eyes then closed them shaking his head.

"Good pick." Was all he said before drawing again.

Half way through drawing, another pain came. I dropped my pencil and held my head. I saw that Eli had took me back to his house and laid me in a bed. All because I didn't want to go home to my father. I remember every beating he gave me, every name he called me.

"Come on. You can stay at my house." Eli mumbled. I stood up with a wince and held on to my side to try and ease the pain.

I struggled to get up so Eli picked me up and took me to his car.

"That seems bad. Would you like a pain killer?" Lexi asked me when the pain stopped.

"No it's ok. It only hurts for a couple of seconds." I told her and carried on drawing.

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