When Harry Dies

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When Harry dies, I fall. It feels like someone pulled the ground away underneath my feet and I keep falling into this black emptiness inside me, that now lurks in the place where my heart once was. My heart, that Harry took with him and that shattered the moment Valentine's bullet went through his left eye socket right into his brain. My heart, that now is broken and will never be whole again. Without him, nothing will ever be whole again. Eggsy tries to hold me, to calm me down as I collapse on the floor, screaming in agony. It doesn't help. The pain tears me apart from the inside out, as if someone had triggered a hand grenade inside my chest. I keep screaming and sobbing and Eggsy is so afraid about it that he calls Merlin for help. I hear their voices from far away and I feel Hamish scooping me up in his arms, pulling me as close as he can. They decide to give me a tranquilizer to get over the shock, and I don't resist because right in this moment all I want to do is fall asleep and never wake up again. Never have to deal with the fact that Harry is gone. That he won't return to me. "He promised.", I try to tell Hamish with my broken voice. "He promised that he'll always come back." The agent gently takes my arm. "Shhh, Jane. There will be a little sting now and it will hurt a bit, but when you wake up, everything's gonna be alright again, honey, okay?" But it won't. "It will never be alright again.", I say and look into his eyes. They are filled with tears. "I know." Then the world around me disappears in a blur and sweet, redeeming sleep comes to get me.

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