04 | And So They Reconciled

Start from the beginning

Kaoru had written two Japanese characters on the piece of wood in black marker, but they didn't spell out Hikaru's name. Instead, very clearly, it spelled out another word: Blank.

"You two are dead," I muttered lowly, shooting Hikaru and Kaoru an expression that nearly made them run for their lives.

"Hika-chan, Kao-chan, was this really all a joke?" Hani asked as he eyed the mischievous pair with a stern expression.

The two let out a series of laughs before Hikaru grabbed Kaoru by the waist so that they could hold each other in a romantic manner. My eyes became half-lidded in exhaustion and annoyance as their scheme sunk in; so much that I didn't pay any mind to whatever act they were trying to pull off at the moment.

"Hikaru," Kaoru sighed, looking up at his twin with an apologetic passion in his eyes. "I'm so sorry that I said those things to you. I know I was only following your script, but—"

"Hush now, Kaoru," Hikaru replied as he lifted the other's chin. "It's all right. I know you didn't mean a word of it, and neither did I."


* * *


They continued on like this the next day in front of all of the guests, who seemed to be rejoicing in relief for half-hours on end.

Kyouya turned to me with an amused expression. "Confused, Hiroshi?"

"What are they even doing?" I asked, rolling my eyes as they proceeded in making physically affectionate gestures towards each other.

"Oh, I don't believe we've offered you an explanation about the types within the host club."

"What do you mean by types?"

Kyouya shifted his gaze forward pensively and let out a sigh. "It's already been about a week since you've joined as well," he muttered, pushing his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose. "I apologize. Tamaki?"

"It would be my pleasure," Tamaki said, resting his elbow onto my shoulder. "We owe you a bit of story time! Each member within the host club possesses a set of personality traits that draw certain customers; it's the variation that makes us popular," he explained in an attempt to clear my confusion. 

"Take Mori-senpai, for example," he continued, gesturing towards the host whom he'd referenced. "He's the wild type, and in contrast, Hani-senpai is the boy lolita. Hikaru and Kaoru are popular among guests who are entertained by the michievous type, so this is what they're known for. Acts of forbidden brotherly love are their specialty!"

"Uh, I see that," I replied awkwardly. "All right, what about Haruhi?"

"The natural type, of course. Just look at that smile and those big brown eyes!" he sighed dreamily. "My little girl is the cutest!"

After clearling his throat, he motioned to Kyouya. "He's the cool type. Self explanatory, if you ask me," he declared proudly. "And as for me? Why, I'm the princely type."

The flamboyant blond tilted my chin up towards his face and put on another charming smile. "Careful not to go falling for me!"

"Real funny, Tamaki-senpai," I muttered, smacking his hand away.

He still leaned over with a goofy expression so that his face was still directly in front of mine. "Can you not?" I asked blankly, raising an eyebrow at him. "Personal bubble here."

"You moron," Kyouya began with a slightly agitated tone of voice, pulling Tamaki a little farther away from me by his shoulder. "I'm sure that our cosplay designer doesn't appreciate being treated like a toy."

Tamaki turned around to see Kyouya's bitter glare and let out a gasp. "Mommy?" he squeaked out.

He quickly ran over to another group of guests before he could be stared at in such a manner any longer.

I turned around to see that Tamaki wasn't exaggerating; Kyouya did look pretty hostile for a second there. Once his facial expression had changed back to a cordial smile, he pushed up his glasses and turned towards me once again. "I apologize."

"It's all right, Senpai," I laughed halfheartedly. "I could've taken care of it, you know."

After a few seconds of keeping his gaze on me, he chuckled and went to join Tamaki's group of guests as well.

"So," Hikaru and Kaoru began simultaneously, walking over so that they were directly in front of me. "Looks like you've captured Kyouya-senpai's attention."

"Seemed like someone was a little jealous over Boss's flirtatiousness," Hikaru giggled.

"I don't even know what you guys are talking about," I muttered, wondering if Kyouya was still in earshot. "He was just trying to make sure I was comfortable as a designer for you guys."

"Whatever you say, Hiroshi!"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not kidding."

The host club was open for business the following day as well. The customers' squeals and boy-crazy gawking over were still louder than usual, given that the twins were finally continuing with their acts. The Which One is Hikaru game was especially popular at this time now that distinguishing the two was much easier.

"Um... the twin with the blue hair is Kaoru, and the one with the pink hair is Hikaru!" one guest declared.

The twins flashed identical smiles and threw their hands up into the air. "We have a winner!" they exclaimed simultaneously as the rest of the guests in their vicinity began to clap.

"Oh, it's much easier to tell you two apart," the guest smiled in relief. "Are you going to keep your wild hair colors?"

"Hm, actually," I began once I'd walked over to see what was going on. Haruhi turned to face me as I chuckled. "The one with the pink hair is Kaoru today."

"And I thought I was the only one who noticed," Haruhi replied as she stared pensively at both him and Hikaru.

"Swapped your hair colors for today, huh?" I asked.

After a few long seconds of silence and no response from the two of them, Haruhi and I shrugged at each other, wondering if they'd continue to give their customers the wrong information. As she walked back over to her own group of customers, I headed back towards the table to continue with my sketches, and I began to wonder if it was really so difficult to tell them apart.

* * *

Third Person

"Hikaru," Kaoru began, staring at Hiroshi and Haruhi as they walked in their opposite directions.

"What is it?"

"You do realize that they're the first—"

"I know," Hikaru cut in.

Kaoru continued to stare at the other two with a ponderous expression, and he spoke up once again after a long pause. "Without only guessing," he muttered.

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