Being at school is the hardest it's ever been. Nick has got himself a group of people to hang around with. In art he's still on my table in which he doesn't talk to me or Lexi, but he does talk to the other person there.
I've learnt that nick has a good life, he gets three meals a day and is well looked after. Everything a family should have, nick gets. Yet I always think he'd just remember and come back to me, some way he'd remember me and remember what lucifer did.
I just want to kiss him again, to hold him close to me and never let him go. It hurts to know he doesn't know me anymore. I want lucifer to take my memories of him but I know I would remember after a couple weeks. It's just the way of a demon, you get something good then it gets ripped from you.
How did this one small boy get me to change so quickly? He kept me grounded, he kept me sane. Hell I asked him to marry me and he said yes, even if it may not be possible, I would have gladly called him mr Hale. Nick will has been and always will be mine in my heart, but in my head he's just another boy at school.
While sitting in art, Brandon next to me, Lexi next to Brandon, nick next to Lexi and another boy here as well. Lexi nudged me and nodded her head to Hannah. She gestured for me to go over so I did.
"I think you should go home for a couple days. Eli it's unhealthy for you to be here at the moment with everything that's gone on." Hannah told me, sympathy written in her eyes and over her face.
"I just want to be near him." I mumbled.
"Hun it won't get any easier. Please just take a couple days off." She sighed.
"Hannah I don't need days off, what I need it to be close to him. As close as I can get." I told her. Tears formed in my eyes, aching to fall down my cheeks.
"Eli-," Hannah stood up.
"Don't Eli me. I don't need time off." I stormed over to my bag and picked it up. "I don't need anything but him." I spat out at her as I walked out of the classroom.
Lexi POV
As soon as the classroom door closed, Hannah was our following Eli in and instant.
"Eli calm down. I'm just trying to look out for you." Hannah called out to him, I'm sure everyone else was listening as well.
"Don't Tell me to calm down, Hannah. You don't know what I'm going through. You didn't lose the love of your life. You haven't lost Darren ever." Eli yelled.
"I get that, I really do. But being like this won't help anyone." She told him.
"Help anyone? No one is helping me. That bastard took away my life. He is the only reason I haven't asked to be put away. Now it's gone and I have nothing on this earth anymore." Eli sobbed.
"Baby boy, please. Just go home, even for today. We'll talk about this."
"What part of I need to be close to him don't you get? Hannah I asked him to marry me, he didn't even flinch and immediately said yes. Don't make me leave, I need this."
Tears pooled in my eyes as I resisted getting nick and just forcing him to hug Eli. Even for five seconds, just so Eli can touch him one last time.
"Hey, are you ok?" Nick asked me.
"Yeah." I nodded and sniffled, wiping away the stray tears that fell. "Just some family drama."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I know you don't know me, but if you need someone to talk to and keep your secrets I'm here." He smiled softly at me.
"Thank you." I returned the smile.
"So, How do you know Eli? Let alone be sitting next to him." The boy on the table asked me and Brandon. I think his name is Harry.
"Uh, Eli is our brother. We're all adopted by miss Potter and her partner." Brandon told him.
"Aren't you a couple though?" Harry made a look of disgust.
"Yeah, been together for a long time." My boyfriend told him.
"But you said you were adopted by miss potter." He said slowly.
"What are you trying to get at here?" Brandon glared at him.
"Isn't that technically incest? I mean you call the same people mum and dad and go around saying Eli is your brother. So that's incest." Harry said in a 'dub' tone.
"No, it's not." Brandon growled a little. "We met when we were thirteen because we were adopted. It's not technically incest at all. We're not blood related anyway so why does it concern you?"
"Because-," Harry started.
"It doesn't matter. You're a cute couple no matter how you met or whatever." Nick laughed nervously, sending Harry a glare to shut him up.
Just then Hannah came back into the classroom wiping her eyes free of any tears.
"How is he?" I asked her.
"Lex I can feel how broken he is." She broke down again. Me and Brandon immediately stood up and wrapped our arms around her.
"I'm fine. Come on, get on with your work." She sniffled and wiped her eyes again. Brandon and I sat back down with nick giving us a worried look.
Only if there was more I could do.

ParanormalEli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...