Chapther 18

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V: Dad I can explain this I..

G: No Violetta I don't wanna hear it, there is no good aswer compare to what this picture is saying!

V: I'm sorry

G: You are sorry? That's it no more studio, no more anything you are grounded, I hope it was worth it

A: German please relax

G: I can't and why are you taking this so good?

A: Because when I was her age I had my own Alex okay!

V: Angie you what? How come you never told me?

A: Cause I would not risk the same thing happened to you

G: But it did!

A: Yeah German it did, but this time it wasn't my fault!

G: Oh yes it was, you left her 

A: Seriously! I'm out of here

G: Great now you are doing the one thing that you are best at.. leaving 

I was about to walk out of the door when I looked in Violetta eyes they were broken, broken because of me I can't do this to her not again.

A: You know what you are right I'm not leaving 

G: Good 

A: We are leavning

I said and grabbed Violetta hand and she followed me downstairs and out of the door

V: What just happened?

A: I'm guessing that you are moving in with me? If you want to?

V: I would love to 

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