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"Happy birthday, nick." We all called out. It's now February and nicks birthday. We all chose to surprise him with a cake and some gifts since he told me he hasn't really had a birthday since his mum left him.

Before nick could blow out the candles, the lights went off and the candles blew out by the breeze. Immediately I pulled nick behind me with Lexi, Hannah, Darren and Brandon next to us.

"Eli, Eli, Eli. My boy you have really disappointed me." Lucifer sighed.

"Bat out of hell, maybe you should go back." I growled.

"Not when you have deliberately disobeyed me." He growled back. Nick fisted my shirt with his cheek on my back as I held him close to me by his waist.

"Love seems to do that to people." I stated.

"Love?" Lucifer scoffed with a small laugh. "Don't make me piss myself."

"Leave lucifer. This doesn't concern you." Darren growled. He had his horns and wings out, same with Brandon and Lexi. To be on the safe side, I got mine out as well, bringing nick to my front and covering him with my wings.

"This does concern me. This human is a risk to us. Let me have him to take away the memories or we will do this the hard way." Lucifer said.

"Eli." Nick whimpered.

"He won't take you, I promise." I told him. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he held on to me tightly.

"Nick, is it?" Lucifer started. "I'll make you a deal. You let me take your memories of these demons I'll get your mother back. I'll make sure your father forgets all the abuse he did, same with you. I'll give you your family back, imagine it, like you've always wanted. A mother, a father that is proud of you, aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents. I can make it all come back with a small snap of my fingers."

"You don't get to make deals with him. Don't even talk to him about family when he has one here." I snapped.

"Nick you can have all the friends you want at school. A better boyfriend to keep you company. Someone better than Eli who can give you a family of your own, a guy that can grow old with you." He carried on.

"Eli is better than any guy." Nick spat out.

"Ok, what if I make a guy with the same personality as Eli? He'll be your dream boyfriend, any look you want I'll do it. You'll have a family that will love you. Come now nick, I know you want that."

"I want Eli." He held on to me tighter.

"Fine, we'll do this the hard way." Lucifer growled. "Grab them."

Just then Darren, Hannah, Lexi and Brandon were grabbed my demons. I was then grabbed by five of them seeing as I was much taller and muscular than the average demon. They used a potion on me to make me weak and to make my horns and wings retract. My powers were fuzzy so I couldn't even use them against lucifer or any of the other demons.

Nick was pulled away by lucifer with him screaming, trying to get out of his hold.

"Eli. Eli, please let me go. Eli." My beautiful boyfriend screamed. Lucifer held him in front of him and bent down to be at his eyes. Getting ready to take his memories.

"Lucifer." I started. "What about Mary-Ann? She was human, you loved her. You loved her more than your title to be the devil. But your father took her from you and took her memories. You said you'd never be like your father granted no one falls for a human. But I did, and as my father figure you should be happy for me. You said you'd rather be banished than be like your father, but doing this you're being him. Let me be with nick, please." I begged him.

His eyes softened for a second but went stone cold again. "Mary-Ann died long ago. And you still broke my most sacred rule. Now you face the consequences."

And just like that, lucifer took nicks memories with me screaming him to stop. Nick passed out in his arms then was picked up.

"Don't make the same mistake I did. Love makes you weak, it makes you vulnerable." Lucifer spat out then walked away with nick.

The demons let me go and disappeared most likely going back to hell. I ran out of the front door only to see that they were gone. My knees buckled making me fall the to ground. A scream of sadness erupted through the street.

Lexi, Hannah, Darren and Brandon all wrapped their arms around me. I cried not knowing what else to do. I cried for me and I cried for nick. Six months being with that boy has changed me a lot, now that fucking prick took that from me.

For so long I never thought I'd find happiness again after my family died. I thought I'd be left alone for all eternity while I watch the world change from the shadows. How medicine is way better, how a lot of diseases from when I was alive now have cures and vaccines. How I thought I'd never be loved again by a person.

And I did. Nick loved me for me and didn't even blink twice when he accepted me. When he didn't hesitate to pull me into his arms when he found out I'm a demon. Nick is the love of my life, and he's just been ripped from my grasp.

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