Part 6

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Jimin Pov
I woke up feeling very sore and not able to feel my legs. It was hard to even sit up.
Kook:Did u sleep well Baby
Y.. Yeah. I snuggled into his arms and he kissed my head. He got up and left and i minute later he picked me up and took me to the bathroom and he put me in the tub and we cleaned us up and he put his clothes on me and he got changed.

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He cleaned the bed and room up and he put me on it and he sat next to me

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

He cleaned the bed and room up and he put me on it and he sat next to me.
Kook:Did i go to rough on u
Kook:I'm sorry Baby
It's ok Kook
Kook:Did u like it
Kook:Mostly what did u not like
The choking part i hated it
Kook:I'm so sorry Baby i didn't mean to
It's ok i know u didn't mean it. He put held me tightly and layed his head on my shoulder and lightly kissed my neck.
Kook:I'm sorry for being so rough and doing that i just kept thinking of u and that stupid guy and i just hate it i want to kill him
I'm sorry Kook i just wanted to make u jealous
Kook:It's ok Baby did u not like anything else
No just the choking part
Kook:Ok I'm sorry Baby
It's ok Kook i know u didn't mean it
Kook:I know but I still feel bad
It's ok Kookie
Kook: Well um thank you
For what
Kook: Letting me um do what I did even though you said you weren't ready
Well that's why i made you jealous i wanted you to
Kook: Really Baby
Kook:Oh I was thinking about doing it all day yesterday i just didn't cause I didn't want you to think u had to
It's ok Kookie i know u wouldn't force me to do anything i don't want
Kook: Well I'm happy you liked it
I loved it don't worry
Kook:I'm still going to kill that guy tho
Aish Kookie
Kook:Are you in pain at all
Not really i can't feel my legs at all and it's hard to sit up
Kook:Good u can't be mad at me i told you i was gonna have no mercy and destroy you make sure u can't walk
Aish shut up ik
Kook:Aish i love you
I love you too a little
Kook:A little
I'll love u more when i can walk
Kook:Aish silly Mochi
He kissed me and i giggled.
Kook:Aish i love you so much
I love you too u have to carry me until i can walk
Kook:I don't mind Baby don't ever talk to that stupid guy again
Aish ok Kookie i want cuddles
Kook:Ok my Baby gets whatever My Baby wants
I snuggled into his arms and we talked for a while until i fell asleep.

Twin JikookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora