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"Fuck!" I woke up feeling as if I'd been run over by a truck. My head was killing me, so was my throat, my nostrils, my eyes, my fucking ribs. Breathing in made me feel like a billion tiny needles were being churned in my lungs. I couldn't even bear the weight of my own eyelids, I realized when I tried to open my eyes. When it was clear that I wouldn't be able to do anything other than lay there immobile, I gave in. A couple of seconds had yet to pass after I relax that my spidy senses tingled alerting me of someone else's presence in the room. I inhaled deeply to be hit by a scent I was already used to, Vic.
"Took you long enough," he exhaled and I heard him shift in his chair.
"So what did you use to drug me today?" I snorted angry at my paralysed state. Vic didn't reply but I could still hear his soft breathing. Maybe there's a time for everything. For the first time Vic was so quiet, he always had something to say. My mind was drifting from reality and sleep was taking over when he finally spoke,
"Masha Krostov," he whispered making me forget how to breathe momentarily. A lot of memories flashed at the time but that was it. Masha was dead. I thought as a tear escaped me. I felt him move closer and he used his thumb to wipe it. He was so close that I could feel every breathe he took. I could also feel his piercing gaze and imagining those multicolored eyes scrutinizing me sent shivers down my spine. I managed to control my heart beat but not the pain that was piercing it at the time.
"Some things should stay buried Vic," I said and then turned on my side to at least get some sleep. How did he know?
"Masha?" He whispered once more but I stopped him before he could continue with whatever he wanted to add.
"She's dead!" I shouted and used the pillow to cover my ears. A little dramatic maybe but I was not invincible to pain and that name brought more pain than you could ever imagine.
"I am sorry, I...," I heard him whisper finally as I drifted off to sleep.
I was right, she is Masha. How could I miss it argh! I said as I punched the wall fortunately not breaking my fingers. All that time it was there, clear as ever and I couldn't see it. I headed to the training room hoping that some punching bags could help cool me down. I actually felt physical pain for all that id put her through from the beginning. I failed her, I said as I threw the first punch but it wasn't enough. I sped up as the pain I had caused her turned to mental torture on my part. I wanted to scream out, to just do something to reverse whatever had happened to her. I saw it, the pain in her eyes which had made her close off everything. No emotions, no attachments, no pain. But why take it all for this little boy. Maybe she saw him as some kind of salvation like I did when I helped them. But whatever it was it was on me and whoever had her before that. What I was sure off whatever was that she didn't remember me, maybe she lost her memory or she just locked them all out to be able to face her current situation at the time. Turning into a killer was not that easy as many would like to think. It also didn't mean that you were a machine that you couldn't feel or didn't care. Maybe we did more than anyone else. Sometimes you had to view it as a means of survival, natures will, just like Masha did to Braeden on the bridge and other times it was just putting someone out of their misery in this cruel world just like Nick and Mr. Miguel. I am not denying that sometimes it is for pleasure but that is also natures will right?
Despite all this what had happened to Masha, whatever changed her was her past. One thing I wouldn't let go off however was the person or people after her and the baby. That was one thing I could at least do to help her. For that I had to gain her trust and I had no fucking idea where to start.

"I can smell you from a mile away you know?" I said when I heard Simons' scent. When you're trained by the people who trained me you learn a lot. Especially on senses improvement, you learn how to smell better, see better, hear better so that you can hunt better.
"I am sorry that I played you but it was inevitable. You were drugging me, still is." I said making an audible sigh.
"I needed to leave, obviously, you're holding me hostage here.." I added as I ran out of words.
"Talk to me... please?" I asked him nicely but he still didn't answer.
It was about five minutes later in the silent atmosphere when it hit me. I could smell it now, the stench of blood. I stayed calm and lay in wait for whatever demon had made its way into my room and I knew that this time I had no chance. I would die like this!
"You can run but you can't hide," I heard the voice and I just let out an ear-piercing scream. Not out of fear but out of regret that I couldn't slit his throat.
I felt his hand on my throat but I wouldn't go down like this, I broke his thumb with newly regained strength and jumped from the bed as my eyes shot open to see Simmons in pain holding his hand.
"How dare you?" he shouted at me tears almost falling from his eyes. I must have been in a daze or dreaming.
"I'll help," I said as I walked around the bed towards him but he stepped back and I could see that he was afraid of me.
"Am sorry," I said trying to convince him that I meant no harm but it seemed he had learnt his lesson with me. Then it hit me, the pain was so dad that I just collapsed once more. On the bright side I could see and I could walk. I had regained my physical mobility. Vic must have stopped the dosage of that paralytic drug.
"Stay away from me, Simons said as he headed out leaving his syringe. I was about to grab it with the intent of hiding it for future purposes when he came back and took it. Seems pretty boy had become quite cautious. He was about to head out once more when he turned around and exhaled deeply and audibly. He walked towards me and helped me up on the bed then put the drip in.
"Let me," I told him before he could leave with his 'broken' finger.
"It's just dislocated, I can fix it," I said drawing my hand towards him and he gave me his hesitantly.
"This will be painful, I said but before he could chicken out I put it back in its rightful place. He would have to bandage it for a few days but it would be better than a plastered hand. He didn't smile at me or be his jovial self but just walked out. Ungrateful brat I thought as I laid back on my bed realizing that I had not seen Tristan since the day I tried to escape. It was yesterday, right? I thought not really sure. How much time had I fucking lost?
This was all his fault. I now knew enough at least I thought. However some things still clouded my thoughts. How did Nick know Masha? That identity was lost when they killed father, so unless he knew her from before.
"What do you want?" I growled immediately she opened the door and I was prepared for whatever she was going to do next. I believed that I had done nothing to deserve a friendly visit considering they both contributed to my current state.
"I want the truth," she said as she walked towards me and took a seat. I noticed the little limb and the fact that she was trying to hide her pain with each step. I was suddenly proud that I had done some damage.
"You're welcome," I said signaling the seat and that she had made herself comfortable in my personal space. Yes, you got it right, I am very conscious of my personal space.
"What's your relationship with Vic?" she asked staring at me intensely probably trying to read any expression. A smile creeped in my heart and I remained stoic when I realized Vick had not shared what was between us with her. I mean I don't know what our relationship is but for some reason it made me happy to know she didn't know either. I kept my face stoic as all these thoughts ran through my head. I drew my hands together and folded them then proceeded to smirk.
"You can ask your fuck buddy," I said as I gave her a one over. I admit she was a snack. She was a little shocked when I expressed my knowledge of their intimate affairs but her expression was stoic once more.
She stood and pushed the chair closer to my bed and her eyes never left mine.
"You're lucky that he doesn't want me to even touch a strand on your hair," she said but I cut her off with a sarcastic comment before she could continue.
"Aaaaaw! The bitch has been told to heel,"
She chuckled and suddenly grabbed a handful of my hair with her left hand just like Vic had done when he was drowning me. It hurt like hell because I was still sore. I grabbed hers too and our faces were just an inch apart. Her right hand was on my neck but just lingering not squeezing. I could feel her breathe on my face and her hands made goosebumps rise on my neck. She tightened the grip on my hair and she pulled me so close that our lips were almost touching.
"If you hurt him," she whispered as she took soft breathes caressing my lips with hers, "if you hurt him..." she started once more but didn't add anything more. The message was as clear as the fact that it was daylight and my body was reacting to her touch. She let go of my hair and drew back then walked out. Her last expression was unreadable. I couldn't help but touch my lips as soon as she closed the door behind her. Love, was a difficult thing to understand sometimes, I thought as I was left staring at the door.

PARTNERED WITH THE BILLIONAIREOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora