Chapter 4: Bumping Headache

Start from the beginning

I initially joined Professor Jake Robert's art class because I needed something that could help keep my mind off of Mei. A week later i realized that I had a knack for drawing and that I enjoyed it too. It allowed me to vent my frustration in a healthy way that was helpful to me and not detrimental to others around me. I sat in my usual seat at the back of the room and began to place my drawing supplies on the desk in front of me. The room began to fill up quickly with mostly females. I was one of the four males that were in a class full of lively females.

“Today class I will be assigning you a project that will involve you working with a classmate.” Professor Roberts announces with too much excitement. “So everyone choose your partner.” He then says to the class. Every time someone would make a move to come towards me, I would give them my infamous glare that said I don't work well with others. I always preferred working by myself when drawing. “It's nice of you to finally decide to grace us with your presence, Ms. Taylor.” I hear professor Roberts sarcastically speak to someone while my head was still face down on my desk. 

“I'm sorry for being late sir.” I hear a familiar voice respond. I didn't raise my head to see who this voice belonged to because at the moment I really didn't care to find out.

“It looks like you and Mr. Wong will be partnering together on an art project for the next three weeks.” Professor Roberts blurts out. My head snapped up off my desk so fast that I nearly gave myself whiplash. I made eye contact with the woman that all my friends pestered me about all night long and way into the wee hours of this morning. 

They wanted to know what did we do and where did we go after I left them at Rocco's? Some wanted to know who she was? How long have I known her? Winwin just couldn't or should I say wouldn't believe that I didn't know her at all. Mainly because he was highly pissed off that she had snatched out some of Charlotte's hair and given her a black eye that she rightfully deserved. When she began to walk my way I gave her the very same evil glare that I bestowed upon everyone else in the classroom.

“You can't sit here!” I angrily grumbled while placing my feet on top of the seat next to me.

“Watch me,” She declares then knocks my feet onto the floor and proceeds to sit down with a smirk on her face.

“Mr. Roberts, can I please have another partner?” I plead. "Anybody besides her!" I add damn near begging.

“It's either Ms. Taylor or you both can get an F for this assignment.” He declares looking in between the two of us.

“Fine!” We both muttered in agreement.

“Alright class, your assignment is for each of you to draw your interpretation of your partner on the same canvas together. It also has to involve an intricate background that pulls the pieces together.” Our looney tune Professor says then began to walk to the door.

Professor Roberts hovers in the entrance of the classroom door and says, “If I find out that one of you didn't participate or chose to slack off on this project then I will fail you and your partner for this class!” I groaned inwardly because I was planning on doing the whole thing by myself. “This exercise is to help prepare you for working with others by the time you graduate from my class. Ms. Taylor and Mr. Wong, I expect your project to be well above par since you two put up so much fuss about not working together,” Professor Roberts sternly replies before walking out of the classroom.

“I do not have the mental capacity to be dealing with the likes of you today,” Brianna mutters as she stands from her seat and begins to pack up her things. 

“The same goes for me especially after dealing with someone who doesn't have the common decency to say thank you!" I sling back at her while also standing from my seat.

“There is nothing that I need to thank a rude, egotistically jerk like you for.” Brianna snaps at me while at the same time massaging the right side of her temple.

“I guess maybe you were too drunk to remember what happened between the two of us last night? I cockily replied. 

“What the hell do you mean by that?" She asked slamming her things back down onto the desk causing everyone to stare at us.

“If you can't remember on your own then that's too bad,” I say feeling triumphant in my quest to piss her off. I walked out of the classroom with a smile on my face that is until I walked straight into an angry Mei.

Mei yells at me, “Ten, what does she mean to you?”

“Who are you talking about?" I asked with confusion etched on my face.

“The woman that you left with last night!" Mei snaps.

“Ohh, her," I say pointing at Brianna walking down the hallway. "If you want to know what she is to me that bad then go ask her!” I answer Mei's question with a flippant statement.

“I haven't given you my permission to dance and hang out with another woman yet!” Mei calls out to my back as I walk away from her and her mini crew.

“I don't need your damn permission,” I hurl back at her as I continue to walk away.

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