letter #5: love

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Do you remember the day I told you I was in love with you? I just told Taehyun-ssi the same story. I still can't believe that you beat me to it. That was my plan the whole day. I was going take you out for a nice date after your last exam and then I was going to bring it up, but you're always full of surprises. After we ate, you were begging me to go to the park with you. I wanted to bring you to my apartment because I had something planned, but the smile you gave me with your little dimples digging into your cheeks made me give in.

You quickly grabbed my hand as we walked into the middle of the field, the sunset just setting over the horizon, and God you looked beautiful. The way the slight breeze was pushing your hair back and exposing your forehead. The way the light shone on your face, enhancing your already gorgeous features. The way you gently rested your head on my shoulder, causing me to wrap my arm around your waist. It was perfect. Every moment with you is perfect.

Once the sun set, you picked your head up, smiling as you asked me, "Can we dance?" I smiled at you, which you took as a 'yes' and you wrapped your arms around my neck. I pulled you closer as I placed my hands on your waist, bringing our faces only centimeters apart as we started swaying together. I remember you smiling wide as you nuzzled your nose on mine, the cute action causing me to giggle with happiness. You kissed me before you started singing our song. Nothing but your angelic voice filling up my ears as you rested your head on my shoulder. I breathed in your scent; you always smell like vanilla.

We had a comfortable silence between us, just enjoying spending time together as the darkness slowly rolled in after the sun left. I completely forgot about my entire plan once you stopped singing and picked your head up again. You looked into my eyes and gently tucked my loose hair behind my ear as you blurted out, "I'm in love with you."

I widened my eyes a bit at the sudden confession, but smiled. How'd you know? How'd you know I was going to say it on the same day? Did you know I'd been planning on doing that? Maybe our minds were just in sync with each other. Maybe we just both thought the time was right because I quickly replied, "I'm in love with you too."

I heard you let out a sigh of relief. I remember you telling me that you'd been thinking about it for the last week, and I said the same. You ruined my plan. I was supposed to be the one who said it first. But I don't care. That moment was perfect, and it'll forever stay in my mind as nothing but ethereal. You're amazing, my love. Here we are, seven years later, still saying those three little words that still manages to make my heart flutter; I love you. I love reliving these moments with you. I hope you don't mind reliving them as well. I miss you, Binnie. So much.

With Love,


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