letter #3: thunder

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The other day was good and bad. I guess I'll start with the bad first. A thunderstorm rolled in earlier this week. I already know what you're thinking, and yes, I had a bit of a panic attack. But please don't worry because everything's fine and I'm ok. It wasn't too bad because someone was there to help me. Let me give you the full story because I know your eyebrows are already scrunching together.

So, three nights ago, the thunder started. It was already 22:30, so all the lights were out and I was just in bed. I remember I was shaking, desperately hoping that my thick blanket would drown out the noise, but to no avail. You would always calm me down. You would hold me and cover my ears until the thunder went away. You would play with my hair as I trembled in your hold. God, it's such a silly fear to have. It's so embarrassing. And you're not here with me, so I didn't know what to do. I rushed out of my room when another loud bang filled my ears, running into the bathroom shared by our whole floor. There was someone in there when I opened the door. He was washing his hands, I'm guessing he had just gone to the bathroom. I saw his eyes widen as he looked at me, probably noticing the tears streaming down my cheeks and my chest heaving up and down. He had brown hair and big doe eyes and was a few centimeters shorter than me. He just stared at me for a few seconds before walking up to me. I took a step back, thinking he was going to make fun of me, but his voice came out so soft as he said, "Everything's ok."

He sounded so genuinely concerned as he tried to ask me what happened, but I wasn't able to speak yet. I was in there for another ten minutes, but it felt like hours, as he continued to try and calm down my panicked state. I finally felt my breathing go back to normal and I embarrassingly told him what happened. I felt like he kind of deserved an explanation since I came in so suddenly. All he did was smile and told me his husband has the same fear. That's when I noticed the ring on his left hand. It was pretty similar to mine, but the design was slightly different. I learned his name was Taehyun and that he came only a few days before me. He also got picked in the draft, but his entry date was earlier than mine.

             We talked for hours about our loves after we had left the bathroom. Binnie, I could talk about you for days without getting tired of it, and he was the same way about his husband, who I learned was Beomgyu. Neither of us had been able to make any friends since we've been here, but now, we talk all the time. It's so nice to be able to talk to someone again. I'd been getting so lonely, but now, at least I have a friend to sit with when we eat or when we have free time. I mostly just talk about you. I told him about our gorgeous honeymoon, our wedding, and how I proposed to you. I mentioned the picture on the wall and told him all about that day. He did the same. He told me all about his wedding and how him and his husband met. I noticed how much his eyes lit up as he talked about how much he loved Beomgyu. It's the same way I love you, Soobin.

So, I think that night started bad, but turned into something great. I miss you with all my heart, but I have to leave for training in a few minutes. I promise to keep writing to you as much as I can. I love you eternally and I can't wait until I get to see you again.

With Love,


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