After getting under the hot water, I held nick up as I cleaned his body. Once both of our bodies were clean, I turned off the water and got out. Nick kept his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist so I kind of had no choice to hold him close to me. But I'm not complaining.
Once dry, I laid down and covered both of us with the covers. Nick curled up to my side so I wrapped my arms around him, making his face bury in my chest. With that we both fell asleep in the arms of each other.
Lexi POV
While sitting in the living room with my boyfriend and caretakers, with Eli and nick upstairs. Soon enough we turned the tv down and heard the shower running.
"I'm going to smack him if he didn't take care of that small boy." Hannah stated.
"Leave them be babe." Darren chuckled pulling her to his side.
"Have you seen the size of nick. He's smaller than Lexi. Not to mention Eli is almost the size of lucifer, fucking lucifer." She carried on.
"Yes but until nick tells us that Eli is being too rough with him, we stay out of it. But I'm sure they are both fine." Brandon laughed lightly.
"Hannah I'm sure Eli took good care of him. I think we would have heard nick cry for help if he needed it. I'm sure they were both fine." I joined in. "If you want we can go up and see them."
Immediately Brandon, Darren and Hannah stood up and went upstairs. I rolled my eyes and quickly followed them. We got to Eli's room and heard the pig snoring. We opened the door a little and peeked in.
Eli and nick laid on the bed. The covers on hiding Eli from his thighs to abs. He was sprawled out on the bed with nick covered neck to toe with his head on Eli's arm. They both slept peacefully but Eli's snoring.
We all smiled at them when Eli moved over and wrapped his arms around nick. After that we left them to sleep alone. Darren and Hannah went downstairs while Brandon and I went to our room.
When I woke up, I found nick still sleeping in my arms. His back to my chest as his hands clung to my forearms.
"Nick, baby wake up." I shook him a little.
"Hmm, no. Five more minutes." My boyfriend mumbled turning over and nuzzling his nose into my chest.
"Yeah come on. You only ate lunch which was four hours ago. You need to eat dinner then you can go back to sleep." I told him.
I sat up bringing the small boy with me. He still clung to me making me chuckle.
"You have to let go so we can get dressed."
"No. Please." Nick pouted making his grip tighter around my neck. A small chuckle escapes my lips as I stood up with nick on my hip. I walked into my walk in wardrobe and took out some shorts and a T-shirt for us.
Once I was able to dress my boyfriend and myself, I went downstairs to see Hannah and Darren asleep on the sofa together.
"Their so cute." Nick smiled with his face semi buried in my neck.
"Yeah." I smiled to then carried on into the kitchen. In there I sat nick on a chair then started making us dinner. It wasn't much since I knew nick was tired so I only made a simple meal. Bacon sandwich. Classical British snack that I have loved for many years and so has nick.
While we were eating, nick laid his head on my chest as he ate sleepily. Lexi and Brandon came in smiling but it widened when they saw us.
"Hey nick." Lexi smirked at him and sat down with Brandon.
"Hey lex." Nikolai yawned.
"So..." she drawled out. "How was it?"
"Amazing." He smiled and rubbed his eyes.
"He treated you nicely didn't he?" She asked almost worriedly.
"Of course I took care of him. What kind of question is that?" I growled and glared at her.
"I'm just asking. Eli you seem to forget nick is smaller than me. He's so fragile." she sighed.
I took a deep breath through my nose and nodded.
"He was slow and really careful with me. If he wasn't I would have beat him." Nick laughed to lighten up the mood.
"Charming." Brandon laughed.
"What?" Nick frowned while me and Brandon laughed.
"Baby if you wanna beat me all you have to do is just ask." I smirked and sent him a wink.
"Not like that dipshit." My boyfriend slapped my chest playfully.
"You said it not me." I chuckled. I kissed his forehead and down to his lips. God I really do love this boy.

ParanormalEli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...