"Don't blame your hair loss on an innocent soul."

"Why'd you call me?" she asked again, slightly annoyed.

"Did you clean my stuff up?" I asked.

"Wow! Just wow! You expect me to clean your mess when I haven't even touched mine? The nerve of yours, Wynnie Dein!"

"So, you didn't?" I confirmed.

"No! Geez, Wyn!"

"Then, who did?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, confused.

"Look, everything's just in one corner now."

"Weren't you the one who did that?"

"I was?"

"Well, who else could it be?"

Did I just forget about it?

"Quit drowning in your thoughts. Hurry up," she said while grabbing her materials.

I just shrugged it off and placed my dry materials inside my backpack. I carried all my paint brushes, paint palette, and also my painting since I still have to wash them to remove the paint residue.

Our classroom is on the sixth floor and as anyone from the Philippines may expect, our campus has no elevator whatsoever. I honestly feel like the soles of my feet have abs now.

We stopped by the third floor bathroom before completely descending the building. We just washed our paint brushes and palettes before making our way down. As we neared the main gate, I suddenly stopped in my tracks.

Why do I feel like I forgot something?

"What's wrong?" asked Klarence.

"Am I forgetting something?" I asked back.

"Did you perhaps leave your brain back at your house? You're really starting to get on my nerves here."

Left my brain back at my house...


"Go on ahead of me! I left my painting upstairs!" I yelled before running back to the stairs.

"Don't die if you slip!" she warned.

The flights of stairs were so long that by the time I got to the third floor, I was already panting.

That was hella tiring!


My head automatically turned to where the voice came from and Heyward's tall figure greeted me. He's holding a bottle of water.


"You're too loud," he scolded.


"Hurry and drink this before you roll down the stairs," he said while handing me the bottled water.

Pfft! I know you're just concerned!

I reached for the bottle of water he's handing me and gulped it. Yes, gulped it. I'm seriously tired from all that running. There's no way I'll try to act elegantly just for Heyward.

"What happened to you?" he asked.

"I was about to leave the campus grounds when I realized I don't have my painting on me. I must've left it in the bathroom here," I explained.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Grab your painting and then we'll go out for milktea afterwards."

"Sorry, but I'll have to pass. I'm broke," dispirited, I declined.

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