It's been a month since Nikolai found out i am a demon. He still sleeps in the same bed as me, thank the unholy god. Lucifer hasn't been to see me so I don't think he knows about me and Nikolai, speaking of, we've been together for just over two months now.
We had told the others which Lexi and Brandon were thrilled about, Hannah and Darren were happy for me since I've been a moody bastard pretty much all my life. Nick really is starting to change me, but for how long will it last for. I think that's partly why I'm waiting for nick to make the first move with the, 'I love you.'
I'm scared that when the words do come out, we'll be ok for a while but then he's going to be ripped from my arms. Losing my family was one thing, but losing this boy napping in my arms will break me.
It's 3:00pm and Nick chose to take a nap. Once again I was sat on the floor with my back against the sofa and the small 5'4 boy curled on my lap. I was reading a book out loud to him before he dosed off, then I started reading in my head. That was two hours ago.
Nikolai stirred but didn't wake. He started mumbling under his breath with a small cute smile which melted my non existent heart. His eyebrows moved about like he was thinking, then he started mumbling again.
After a while, I chuckled a little and decided to wake nick up for something to eat. I leaned down and placed soft kisses over his face so he would wake up.
"What?" My boyfriend mumbled.
"Time to wake up." I told him finally landing my lips on his. "What? I can't kiss you?" I chuckled when nick moved his head away from me.
"You can. When I've eaten and brushed my teeth because my breath is rank when I wake up." He giggled a little.
"I don't care." I smiled at him and leaned down to capture his lips with mine.
Five minutes later we were downstairs where I could make nick food. It's not like me and the others where we don't really have to eat every day. Once I had finished cooking spaghetti and meatballs for him, I set a plate in front of him and me. I eat with nick since he feels bad about eating at our house when no one else eats as well. Don't ask.
"Eli?" Nick looked at me. I raised my head giving him my undivided attention.
"Uh, well Lexi told me that you have rules to follow. One being that you can't fall in love with a human. But you're still with me? Why's that?" He asked.
"Lucifer doesn't like intermixed species being together. Unless mates he doesn't like it. So vampires and werewolves, he doesn't like, witches and so on. Especially demons and humans. Lucifer made the rule before I died because people were committing crimes then either being killed, or killing them selves to get into hell to be with that person. 9 times out of ten the person still goes to heaven. Other than Hannah but that's a different story." I explained.
"Nick I am breaking that rule to be with you because I want you. I haven't felt so deeply for someone in my life. And I know it may seem a little early to say, but I love you, Nikolai. I really do."
"I love you to." He smiled softly at me. Nick stood up then crashed his lips to mine, wrapping his arms around my neck. My hands steadied him on his hips as I kissed back with just as much need and want.
Nick then straddled me grinding on me. I groaned into his mouth and pushed his hips down on me harder. I could feel his hard on against me as well as mine pressing against his.
"Eli." Nick pulled away so I kissed his neck. "Is it bad that I want you? All of you?"
My head snapped up to his to see his eyes clouded over with lust. I had to bite back a groan and take him then and there because he was making it really hard not to.
"I want you to." I told him.
"C-can we?" Nick blushed but maintained eye contact. "C-can you take my virginity?"
"Are you sure you want to do it now?" I breathed heavily hoping he says yes. I've wanted to making him moan my name again. To give him that pleasure that I only gave him.
Nick nodded with a small smile. "Yeah. Only if you want to as well."
I didn't answer, only smashing my lips to his giving him that answer. I stood up and walked up to my room. We passed the couples sat in the living room that cheered and whistled. Nick and I just ignored them as I carried on making my way up to my room.
When we got there, I laid nick on the bed taking off my T-shirt he was wearing, pyjama bottoms and boxers. I left the small boy naked beneath me as I hovered over him in my jeans. Nick took off my T-shirt and threw it on the floor where his clothes were. Before he could go down to my jeans, I held his hands above his head in which I kissed him deeply.
"Eli." Nick moaned. I let his hands go to where he took off my belt, jeans and boxers. It left us both naked making this thing real and I wasn't just dreaming.
I moved nick to the middle of the bed by the headboard and hovered over him.
"Shit." I mumbled realising I don't have condoms or lube.
"What?" Nick looked up at me worriedly.
"I don't have condoms or lube." I told him.
"W-well you don't have to use a condom." He blushed and looked down. I put my fingers under his chin and kissed him.
"I'll be back." I told him and got up. I could the tv loud downstairs with the two couples talking loudly as well. I smirked knowing they knew what I was going to do to that small boy.
I went into Lexi's room and found an unused tube of lube. When I got back to my room, I found nick pumping himself and moaning.
"Nikolai." I smirked. He gasped and looked at me. "Want me to take over?"

ParanormalEli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...