PART 22(Start from beginning ii)

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A year after Minseo's back

At home~

Jimin pov~

      I and Minseo get ready to go vacation after a year she's back in my life. I'm so happy. She's look very happy too.

   "Jimin ah, when others coming?" I answer while I'm take a sip of juice. "Maybe in few minutes." She walk out from the bedroom.

   She sit in front of me. "Oppa. I think this vacation will be fun. You know why?" I raised my eyebrows while looking her. "Because you and others. I really want go vacation with everyone. Our parents, friends. So we all can become closer." She speak while smile prettiest I have seen.

   "You want to know something?" She look at my eyes. I close my face to her. "Because of you. We all very grateful that you still alive. We all very happy that you alive and back to our life. You're the one who make our life be more shine." We both looking each other.

   *Ding dong*  someone press the bell button. "Dae!" She open the door. I follow her from behind. "Omma, appa!" She hug her mom. "Where the others?" Her mom asking.

  "It's fine, we can wait them in parking lot." We all bring our things and put in the car. While we all busy to put our things, others coming with their own car.

  "Minseo,Jimin! We all ready!" V shouting from the car. "Let's go!!" Minseo and me shouting aloud. We all have fun today during a journey.

   I'm promise to myself, will take care of Minseo very well and we both will start everything from the beginning.

   "Cahh.. minseo ahh. Wake up. We are arrived." She woke up and look around. "Woahhh.. so beautiful." She take a step out from the car from fun the view.

   "Fresh air. I love it." She speak. "Minseo? Let's check in. Tonight we all dinner together." She nodded. She helping me to take out the luggage.

Dinner time~

   Everyone is busy for dinner. While me and Minseo take a fresh air at the beach. We both walk together and chit chat. Laughing.

   For me this is the best moments since we got married. Oh, by the way, she become my wife again since a year ago after she back a few months.

   "Jimin. Let's eat. Mom calling us to go upper house." She is front of me. I smile and grab her hands. "Alright, baby~." She chuckle.

   "Minseo yah.. jimin ah.. let's eat. Tonight, seokjin chef cook for us." Everyone clapping for him. Tonight we all have a good time together and everyone looks very happy.

   "V, Jin hyung. After wat I want talk something with you guys." Minseo look at me. I whisper to her ear. "Don't worry. I'm not killing them. Trust me." She smile and hold my hand under table.

After dinner~

   "Minseo yah.. just go to sleep. I will be back soon." I smile and walk with V. "Why you want to meet us this late?" Seokjin asking me.

    "Nothing. I just wanna know how you guys can save Minseo and why you guys keeping this from me?" V about to speak out.

     After a few minutes, they tell me the whole story. "Actually, you guys know more earlier and you guys tried to help to safe her. I really appreciate that." After we finish, we back to own room.

    I open the door and saw Minseo laying down facing me back. I walk slowly and laying down beside her. I try to hug her but she turn around before I hug her waist.

   "What you guys talking about just now?" She asking. I stroke her face smoothly. "Nothing important. Just talking what friends chatting." She close her eyes.

   I move my finger to her eyebrows, cheeks, nose and lips. Honestly, I said I really love her lips. They smooth, and sweet.

   She open her eyes and we both look at each other. "How can you look so cute and sweet this night?" I'm asking. She laughing little bit. Sounds cute.

   "Are you drunk?" She asking. "Nope. I just want to praise you." She laughing again. "Stop it. I want to sleep. Today is tired day for me." She close her eyes.

A few days in vacation~

    We all at beach. Enjoy the view. Actually, we all waiting for sunset.

End of jimin pov~

Author pov~

   Minseo and jimin sit together and enjoy the view of sunset. "Woah.. sooo beautiful..." Jimin look at Minseo. "You more prettier in my eyes." Minseo not hear clearly.

   "What you say?" Jimin shake his head. "Nothing. I said the sunset view is pretty." Both of them smile. Everyone enjoy that view together and they all take some of picture too.

End of this part 💕

(Note* i will post more two part. Which is that part become bonus part. Look forward it💕💕)




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