Chapter two

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Neil came in the room and saw avni sleeping he lock the door and came to her he sit on the table and recall she was crying when he scold her he wanted to touch her face but he stop and suppress his lips and cries.

Neil: I am sorry.

Next day avni was sleeping and Neil came by bringing the breakfast he wanted to make her feel special he wanted to make her realize that all men are not same he is not ashish mehta yes he did the same which ashish mehta did but he is not like him he wanted to tell her his story and want to give a chance to his marry but he decided that he will not tell her that he got to know the truth because he was scared avni will misunderstand him she will think he is sympathized with her so he decided he will not tell her about that because it's better that something remain under wrap Neil keep the tray on the table and sit infront of her he tried to wake up her lovingly he caress her hairs.

Neil: avni avni wake up avni see it's morning come on wake up now.

Avni stir in sleep he smiles to see her she was behaving like a baby.

Neil: avni it's 7:45 am come on wake up now.

Neil was waking her up she open her eyes and rub her eye to clear the vision.

Neil: it's 7:50 am wake up.

Avni look at him then she recall last night incident and get up with a jerk Neil shocked he also get up.

Neil: avni r.

Avni: I I am sorry I don't know how i sleep this much please forgive me I will be more careful next time I I promise I.

Neil was feeling bad and guilty to see her.

Neil: avniii

Neil forward his hand to cup her face she thought he will slap her she keep the hand infront of her face and her eyes were closed Neil shocked and feels angry on himself and guilty too avni open her eyes when she didn't felt any thing she look at neil he was looking at her with teary eyes.

Neil: avni I am sorry I shouldn't shout at you.

Avni: no It was my mistake i am sorry I knew that I will do any mistake that's way I didn't want to go I always do mistake i am useless.

Neil shocked to hear her these all words are not her words these all words she heard since childhood when someone call us one thing again and again then we also start believing that yes that's right same goes with avni her father and grandmother always said her that she is useless, good for nothing she is a girl and a girl is always a burden on her family.

Avni: I am good for nothing I.

Neil hugs her and avni shocked.

Neil: no avni you are not useless please don't say this I am sorry It was all my mistake i shouted at you without knowing the truth I am sorry please forgive me.

Neil was hugging avni he unknowingly kiss her shoulder avni feels a shiver in her body Neil breaks the hug and cup her face and avni was looking at him Neil kiss her forehead the most purest kiss which give her peace Avni close her eyes because except Shweta and neela maa no-one loves her she open her eyes and looking at Neil she blink her eyes and Neil wipes her tears.

Neil: now come and have breakfast.

Avni look at the breakfast.

Neil: please don't curse yourself you are not useless you are a precious gem.

Avni was looking at him Neil hold her shoulders.

Neil: sit.

Neil made her sit and sits besides her he pulls the tray and and takes a spoon of poha Shweta knew avni loves poha so she made that for avni Neil tried to feed her avni was looking at him.

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