Episode V: A strange companion

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Rocked by the loss of the Halfling Darlin, the adventurers depart the Temple of Abbaloth in a solemn procession, heads bowed in sorrow. Not a word passes between them as they trudge through the derelict outcroppings of the settlement.

They pick their way over the rubble of the outer gate, carefully manoeuvring the small carriage containing their fallen companion.

Suddenly they behold a hue and cry beyond the looming black walls. A bedraggled half-elf races headlong through the gap. Startled at the sight of the adventurers he screams, 'Orcs!" - his eyes glance towards Elluin and he emits a terrified gurgle before darting away towards nearby rubble.

A thunderous clatter begins to sound in the canyon; Lightfinger takes up a vantage point against one of the gate stays, loosing an arrow towards the oncoming threat before rolling back into cover.

Narvi, too, steps forward, firing an arrow and readying his weapons for close quarters.

Blare steps into the breach, defiantly roaring a challenge at the oncoming horde in the ways and tongue of his heritage.

Elluin releases a blast of searing flame at the savage creatures.

The approaching cloud of dust, punctuated by flashes of green skin and vicious weapons, accelerates towards the gates at furious speed, coalescing into the visage of a terrifying orcish warband. In unison, they hurl a volley of sharpened steel stakes towards the adventurers. Several heroes brush off injury to meet the ferocious orcs, knowing that if any were to falter now it would spell almost certain doom for their companions.

Silas fires a perfectly placed missile into the pack, as the deft Lightfinger tosses a flask of volatile fluid to shatter on the ground and spread in front of the orcs. Blare stands his ground, steeling himself and bracing for the impact as Narvi looses another arrow, and Elluin retreats to cover enveloping herself in protective mystical runes.

There is an agonizing pause before the orcs are upon them, crashing through their ranks in a flurry of edged steel, blows from their great axes raining into Blare, Narvi and Silas. Seizing the opportunity, Silas instinctively activates his natural defence, spewing a cloud of flame over several of the orcs. The volatile fluid thrown by Lightfinger erupts on the clothing of one unfortunate orc, causing hideous burns as he howls in rage. A clash of weapons ensues with the party's front-line suffering devastating blows.

And yet, just as it seems they might break, the strange half-elf finds his courage. Drawing mystical energies from within, he chants the words of healing, binding the wounds of our heroes.

Lightfinger steps from the shadows, delivering a violent thrust of his rapier through the back of an unsuspecting orc, the point of the blade erupting from its chest in a gush of sticky black gore. In the same motion, he drives a dagger point into the back of another, the orc howling in agony. Several more blows are exchanged, but gradually the band of adventurers gain the upper hand, dispatching the orcs with mighty blows from hammer, axe, sword and flame.

As the adrenaline of battle subsides, the adventurers catch their breath amongst the pile of fallen orcs. Buoyed by the adventurer's aid, the half elf reveals himself from his hiding place. The party provide him with sustenance - he seems confused, lost and adrift. The company agree to escort him back to safety in Phandalin. He does not have a name, only a mark etched into his pale skin - "RA-11-Y".

Upon arrival back at the town, the party arrange for Darlin to receive rites according to the teachings of Chauntea, as he would have wished. They spend a moment in shared grief as the small body of their friend is lowered into the ground and covered in flowers and earth. Such is the harsh and dangerous life of the adventurer.

RA-11-Y seems more confused by the society of Phandalin, and noting his apparent affinity with healing magics, the companions agree to take him under their wing, such as Darlin would have wished.

Pausing only to recover from their wounds and purchase equipment, our heroes sally forth once again, this time to a curious lighthouse known as the Tower of Storms.

As they approach, the sky is full of foreboding - dark clouds are sliced by vicious lightning; and yet they feel somehow emboldened by their experiences, eager to cleanse the world of threat (provided the pay is good).

Lightfinger scouts the road ahead, a dark causeway leading down from the cliffside across the waves to an outcropping upon which stands the tower.

The party carefully descend the precipice, whereupon they are met by a huge crab, flailing its' pincers towards them. Something about the creature's movement seems unusual to Blare - the actions do not appear aggressive. Silas approaches the creature, stunned to learn it can talk! A sea elf imbued the beast with intelligence, allowing it to communicate. This unfortunate sea elf has met an untimely end, chained in a nearby cavern and left as the waters rose to high tide. The spirit is restless, searching for a magical focus yet anchored to the cave.

Armed in this knowledge, the group enter the cave, met by the horrific undead visage, floating unnaturally and with a tenuous grip on sanity. The spirit exhorts the adventurers to return its focus, a conch, from the author of its demise - and it does not seem to brook thought of refusal.

Unnerved by this encounter, the companions begrudgingly agree to the bargain. They step further along the causeway, bathed in an eerie green light from the top of the tower, that appears to pulsate in harmony with the loud drumming of what sounds like a beating heart......

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