Chapter 5

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* I'm gonna go on to Sarah and walkers POV for this chapter*

Sarah: wow what is this?

Walker: idk never seen it before

Sarah: I wanna try it

Walker: but Sophie sai-

Sarah: then don't tell her easy plus it's probably not that bad

Walker: if you say so

*they both drink a mystery liquid*

Sarah: I feel weird

Walker: same..I'm gonna sit down for a while

Sarah: yea me to

*they both sit down in some chairs lined against the wall*

Walker: my heads spinning

Sarah: is hot in here or is it just me?

Walker: I- I think we were drugged

Sarah: y-you think so?

Walker: yEaH

Sarah: WeLl WhAt Do yOu Do WhEn YoUr DrUgGeD

Walker: I-I don't know but I need to get out of here

Sarah: take me with you Im to tired to move

Walker: I'll carry you get on my back

*she gets on his back an he carries her back out the door he came in at and is now sitting in an alley way area with her*

Walker: h-how you feeling?

Sarah: s-somewhat better Its still hot though

Walker: hopefully we're not like this for the whole night

Sarah: I can't take it I'm taking my shirt off

Walker: wait no-

*sarah takes her shirt off revealing a black bra*

Walker: *blushes red* A-are y-you ok?

Sarah: now I am I think it's wearing off

Walker: same for me it's must of been weed or something cause it doesn't last long apparently or we're still high we just don't know it

Sarah: yeah~

*they both stare at each other and lean in and kiss*

They broke apart with surprising expressions on their face

Sarah: I'm sorry I- idk what got into me

Walker: it's ok

Sarah: I think we're still high

Walker: idk, but where's Sophie and Gavin it's been like almost 20 minutes

Sarah: idk but we should be heading home now it's almost 11 it's literally the latest I've ever been aside from Halloween etc

Walker: not gonna lie it's the same for me

Sarah: god I'm gonna have a head ache later

Walker: yeah we Both are

Sarah: I'm just gonna walk home or call an Uber

Walker: put your shirt on first

Sarah: oh I forgot *puts shirt back on* Wanna come?

Walker: ok

*they walk to Sarah's house she doesn't live far from there and sneak through the back Door and up to her room*

Sarah: ok well I'm gonna change in the bathroom you stay here and don't make a lot of noise if someone knocks or comes in just come in the bathroom

Walker: uh ok 👌

*walkers waits on her bed and looks around her room*

Sarah: ok I'm done

Walker: are you ok Now?

Sarah: yeah but I'm not slurring anymore which is good I just feel weird my head is spinning

Walker: me too

*they look at each other and lean in and kiss Then they lay done on they bed and kiss more deeper than before Sarah is now on top of walker And one thing leads to another*

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