Nikolai POV
It's been a couple of days since I've been at Eli's house. He's stayed home with me to get me what I need, strict orders that I be on bed rest. If anything I'm feeling better even after four days because I haven't been hit by my dad again.
Darren has been in to play board games with me since Eli only got me food and drink. He didn't really want to be around me that much and because he was the only one that could cook, other than Hannah, he had to do my food.
My eyes snapped open to the sound of thunder, just in time to catch the flash of lightning. A squeal came from my lips making me jump back in surprise. It wasn't often that England had thunder storms but obviously tonight one came. Shows how much I pay attention to the wether.
Once my heartbeat went back to normal and my breathing was just about normal as well, another clash of thunder sounded with a flash of lightning. Another squeal came from me so I got up and left my room. I've always hated thunder storms and hated being on my own.
When I was younger I'd hide under my bed with the covers and my favourite teddy. That was until I was ten and my sperm doner threw all of my teddies in the bin.
I got to Lexi's room only to hear moaning and the bed hitting the wall. Well Lexi and Brandon was out of the question, who could I go to. So I went to Darren and Hannah's room only to hear the same thing.
In my head I had a massive debate on wether I should go to Eli's room or not. But once another drum of thunder sounded, I gave up and just went to his door. Thank god that I couldn't hear anything, so I knocked not wanting to wait a long time.
All of a sudden there was a bunch of clashes of thunder making me let out a small scream and tears stream down my cheeks. Instead of waiting any longer, I just opened the door to see Eli stood by his window with it open watching the lightning and listening to the thunder.
"Eli." I sniffled as my head poked through his door. He turned to me and I saw his eyes were a little red. He closed his eyes then reopened them to be back to his normal blue eyes.
"What?" He mumbled and went back to the window.
"C-can I-I s-sleep w-with y-you?" I cried.
"No." Was all he said. I nodded and silently closed his door then went back to my room.
I grabbed the covers and a large pillow then got under the bed. Once under, I laid down and covered myself and hugged the pillow. It muffled my sobs so I wouldn't disturb the others doing their... activities.
After a while, I felt something around my ankle and I was pulled from under the bed. When I opened my eyes, Eli was stood there. He was only in joggers letting his bare chest on show. Just then he picked me up sitting me on his hip with a blanket around me.
I laid my head on his shoulder as he walked back to his room. Eli went to the window then turned me so I was on his back.
"Hold on." He mumbled. I held on to him tightly as he started climbing out of the window. I shut my eyes immediately but when he came to a stop, I opened them again.
Eli set me on my feet then pulled me to a bunch of blankets and pillows. Half of the roof was gone with the other half covering the blankets and pillows keeping them dry. Eli sat down then pulled me so I was sat in between his legs. My back again this chest where I could feel his body heat through the blanket and my T-shirt.
"I don't like storms." I grumbled to myself.
"No?" Eli raised one eyebrow at me then looked back to the sky where lit up by the sparks of lightning and the clash of thunder. It made me lean more into Eli which he wrapped his arms around me.
"Thunder is a peaceful sound for me. It makes everyone silent as they listen to it every so often. And lightning is a beautiful creation made between the clouds. It can light up the town in one second then be gone in the next. Thunder storms are beautiful. You just have to be around it a lot to see it." He added.
I stayed silent after that. But I did have one question running in my head which wouldn't leave.
"Why is Brandon, Lexi, Hannah and Darren doing... it, but not you?" I looked up at the tall 6 ft 8 man behind me.
"Where we come from its... its hard to explain. Where we all come from thunder and lightning kind of give us energy that we need to burn off from the start to the end. So to get rid of that energy them two couples have sex all night." Eli explained.
"How come you don't have... you know?"
Eli chuckled at my in capability to say sex.
"I don't have sex because I don't have a partner. Now if I was to get a partner and be with them for a certain amount of time then I'd do it. But because I'm single I use all my energy to stay awake and admire the beauty of lightning." He replied.
"Eli?" I mumbled after a while of silence. "Have you ever been in love?"
"No." He sighed. "I thought I was once, but she ended up leaving me because she was in love with another and cheating on me. And while she was still with me she fell pregnant with his child."
"How do you know it wasn't yours? And how old were you?"
"Age doesn't matter." Eli stated. "And I know the child wasn't mind because I can't reproduce."
"Do you know why?" I looked up at him.
Eli closed his eyes then looked up at the sky. "I found out I was adopted and my supposed parents chose they didn't want me. So if two sets of parents didn't want me, then why should I become one in the future. So a couple of years ago Hannah took me to get a vasectomy. It's what I wanted so it happened."
"Do you regret it?"
"Every day."

ParanormalEli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...