Apparently I hit a sore spot in my father's main wife, because suddenly I saw emotions in her that I had never seen before. Jealousy! And not only with her. A big happy family looks different to me. And to my astonishment, my big brother clapped his hands and said: "You are right Yibo. It has nothing to do with love in my eyes either. Dad only goes after younger women."

"Are you beginning to sound like that too?" My father asked my brother.

My brother frowned at him and said in an angry tone of voice: "Yibo is right. Nobody asks how we deal with the fact that our parents have a polygamous marriage. And as Yibo said, you are not doing this because of your faith. And another thing. I understand why Yibo hates you. You broke his mother and treated her badly. Who are you trying to tell that you really loved her? Or Mom? What were your words? You felt sorry for her and you told him several times to take her to the doctor and get some help. But instead he preferred to invest his money in his new wife! He had only been with her! And you call that loving, dad?"

Zhan looked at me thoughtfully, took me in his arms and said, "From the looks of it, there may be more victims in your family." I nodded in agreement.

It was the first time I heard such words from my brother's mouth and I saw his mother agree with him. And she also said: "Yes it is true. I told your dad over and over again at that time to take your mother to a hospital. He should take care of her. I begged him. Because I saw your mother just before she died. I came to your house and wanted to check on her, because she hadn't answered my calls for a very long time. She looked so bad that I cried. And I begged your father to help her. But he just went back to his other wife. A few days later, your mother took her own life. And I was so sorry."

My father then said: "You knew that she was pregnant again and how badly she was feeling. I had to help her. I didn't know how bad my Mila felt, otherwise I would have gone to her and helped her."

His main wife grabbed him by the collar and screamed: "I told you so! I told you several times! I begged you, begged you to take care of her. But YOU were only thinking of your new wife while your other wife was suffering and weakening. She took her own life because of you! It is your fault that I have lost Mila!"

That was the moment when I became clairaudient. It sounded strange. Zhan hugged me and asked my stepmother: "You loved her, didn't you? That's why you agreed to their marriage, wasn't it?"

"That's right. I loved her with all my heart. I met her when I was in a cooking class. I wanted to have her near me, even if she never returned my feelings. It was me, I introduced her to my husband, I suggested that they date and it was me who wanted them to marry. I wanted her to be in my house! Not for my husband, but for me!" She screamed.

I looked at her confused and asked her, "Did she ever return your feelings?"

"Mmm, we kissed a few times when she lived with us under the same roof. She said then that she loved us both. But then she had to move out, because neighbors noticed that we were living in a polygamous marriage. And she became totally fixated on the marriage and our husband. She changed totally and after you were born she totally turned away from me." She replied.

When I heard that, I didn't know if I should be angry with her for introducing my mother and father to each other and making everything work. Or whether I should feel sorry for her because she loved my mom so much that she was willing to share her with her husband.

And what I also wondered was, did my mother really have feelings for her once? What would have become of them if they had continued to live under one roof, in one house? Would they have finally become a couple? Would my mother then have been happier and still be alive today?

It's all really confusing and I'm glad that Zhan is with me. Because I think otherwise I would go crazy. Because in the end it doesn't matter who really loved my mother. None of them helped her. And honestly? In my opinion, my mother would not have wanted to be helped either. I am convinced that she wanted to die. She didn't want help. She died alone by poisoning herself. She had already died inside before that.

Zhan must have had enough. He sent everyone out. He silently started to examine my brother and I thought he was mad at me, too. But then he looked at me and winked at me and smiled.

When he had examined my brother, he discussed the values and tomorrow's small operation with him. Then Zhan took me in his arms and asked, "Do you want to go visit my family tomorrow morning?

I think Zhan knew exactly what I needed at that moment. Him and the love of his family. I said, "Oh yes, I'd love to. Too bad we'll have to wait till tomorrow."

"Well, we could call them and ask them to come over for coffee or tea. I'm sure my mother is dying to gossip with you."

"Hehe, yes, I think so. Should I call her?"

"Sure, call her. I'm sure she'd be happy to hear from you." Zhan said.

My brother looked at me and asked, "Have you already met his family?"

"Well, I know his family and they are great. They really like me." I said to him.

Zhan giggled and said, "They not only like you, they love you. You're part of our family."

So I called Zhan's mother and she was actually very happy. Later, she and Zhan's father came to the hospital to visit us. We sat in the cafeteria and had tea together. Zhan talked to his father and I talked to his mother. And with us was my big brother who listened attentively to what Zhan's little brother told him.

Later that evening, my brother told me that he was happy for me to have found such a great boyfriend, with a family that supports and loves him and me. I thanked him. Yes, with Zhan and his family, it's like I hit the jackpot in the lottery. 

Can you make me smile again? [ZhanYi FF]✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat