"Kennedy be safe, I love you. Go ahead." Her grandpa said. She smiled and prepared to walk out.

Jon, Stephanie, Paul, Vince, and a bunch of other people stayed in gorilla waiting for their own cue and watch on as Kennedy's music hit.

"I'm all grown up now..."

Kennedy interrupted Paul Heyman mid rant and stomped down to the ring sharply.

"How many times am I going to need to say this. Get the hell out of my ring! Get out! Get out! Get out!" She shouted, pointing at the ramp, but Brock shrugged.

"Listen up Lesnar, I am so sick and tired of you coming out here demanding a match! You aren't getting one today, you aren't getting one at TLC, and you won't be getting on anytime soon if you keep this up!" She howled.

"Ms. Helmsley, let me just say this—you spend so much time with that lunatic boyfriend of yours that you don't even realize the genuine talent you have standing in the ring, which is my client Brock Lesnar!"

"Don't talk about my man, you speak his name one more time and I'll have him out here laying waste on your miserable self." Kennedy sneered getting up in Paul's face.

Heyman laughed and shook his head, going to lean on the ropes. "You know, Kennedy—you really followed after your mom. You came into this company and fooled around with one of the faces of WWE Dean Ambrose. What's next? Is he going to drug you and have you two get married at the Las Vegas chapel?" Kennedy shook her head and threw down the mic, slapping Paul in the face.

"Don't speak about my family! Never talk about my man!" Kennedy spoke as she repeatedly slapped him. She turned her attention to Brock and went closer, pointing her finger in his face.

"You're nothing! You're a lousy part timer! You will never get your match! Loser! You're nothing but—ahhhh!" Brock hoisted Kennedy up on his shoulders and flung her down for an F5.

"Oh my god! Brock Lesnar just F5'd Kennedy McMahon Helmsley!" Michael Cole exclaimed.

"Someone get down here and help her! That's our boss for god's sake!" JBL exclaimed

Jon and everyone watched backstage, and Kennedy's body hit the mat. He grimaced and prayed that she was okay.

"Jon, go now." Vince signaled, hitting his music.

Dean ran down the ramp with the male locker room behind him. Brock and Paul slid out of the ring before Dean could get his hands on him and made their way into the crowd. Kennedy was face down, her hair a mess.

"Baby! Kennedy, are you okay?" He shook her, but she didn't respond. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Code word, darling."

"No, I'm okay." she mumbled.

"Kennedy baby, come on." He flipped her over and went to hold her head in his hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He said kissing her forehead then lips. He slipped out the ring and pulled her body to the apron.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like Dean Ambrose, Kennedy's boyfriend is here to take care of her. We have seen in the past few weeks the two of them out and about together, but this is the first time we've seen the two in the ring together." Cole said, watching the excitement in front of the announce table.

"Cole would you have any respect, our boss just got F5'd by the beast and you're talking about her boyfriend Dean Ambrose, absolutely ridiculous." JBL said.

"Don't touch her! Don't touch my girl!" Dean shouted as some superstars tried to help him up the ramp.

"It's time to play the game..." Triple H quickly scrambled down the ramp as the crowd got even louder.

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