"I never said they couldn't JUST be friends. I just said that one person will soon develop feelings. I never said that the friends will try to date or anything." I say to him. "Well, give me some examples." he says to me. "Okay. Ummm, how about Hermoine, Ron, and Harry from Harry Potter. They were three best friends and Hermoine and Ron ended up falling in love. Now, I haven't seen the last movie, i'll watch it one day, but I know that Harry and Hermoine kissed, which means that there were some feelings there before." I explain to him. 

"Okay, but they're just characters in a movie and a book." he says. "Are you saying you want another example?" I ask him. "Yeah." he says. "Okay. I'll use a personal example. I had a friend named Eddie. Eddie and I were friends for about 2 months before he asked me out. We were friends and then he developed feelings that he acted upon." I explain to him. "Humm, so did ya'll date?" he askes. "Yeah, but that was the shortest relationship ever. But there are some flaws in my philosophy." I say. "Like?" he questions. "Well, although Eddie and I dated, me and him are still good friends, and just only friends." I state.

"Hum, so if thats your philosophy, are you saying that you and I can't be friends?" he asks, taking me by surprise. "Well, technically, yeah. We can't be friends without one of us developing feelings for the other," I say to him. "Oh really?" he says. "Yeah, but that also brings up another flaw. I'm not sure if feelings before the friendship count or not." I say, hinting at my crush. 

"So, you're saying that you and I can't be friends because eventually, one of us will develop feelings for the other?" he asks me. "Well, I never said we couldn't be friends." I say. "Okay, let me rephrase what I am saying. I mean, you're saying that if we become good friends, one of us will develop feelings for the other?" he re-explains. "Yeah, basically." I say. "Well, I don't believe in your philosophy." James says, looking me directly in the eyes.

"Oh, so are you saying that's never happened to you?" I ask him. "Yup." he answers without hesitation. "If you say so." I say to him, rolling my eyes a little bit. "You don't believe me?" he asks me. "Not really." I say. "Well, I'm telling the truth." he says to me. Instead of answering, I just shrug.

He opened his mouth to say something, but suddenlly stopped. He looked at me for about a minute before speaking again. "How about I make you a bet?" he asks me. "What kind of a bet?" I reply. "I bet that you and I can be best friends without one of us developing feelings for the other." he says to me. I looked at him raising my eyebrows. "I'm not sure what you mean." I say. "I'm saying that you and I can become really close and not develop any romantic feelings." he says to me.

"This sounds ridiculous." I say to him. "How would that even work?" I ask. "Well, we could spend a lot of time toghether, and get to know each other and stuff. Then at the end of the year or something, we could tell each other how we really feel." he explains to me. "But, we could always lie." I say to him. "True, but if we know each other really well, we can tell if the other is lieing. Plus, we could keep like journals or something and just exchange those." he says.

"So, basically, you're betting me that we won't have feelings for each other if we become best friends. So, what happens IF you win the bet?" I ask him. "Well, I didn't really think about that, but I guess, you would have to change your philosophy and you'd owe me a dinner and apology." he says. "So, what about if I win?" I ask. "Well, I guess I'd owe you dinner and an apology. Plus, if the feelings are mutual, then maybe the dinner would turn into a date." he answers.

"What about your girlfriend? I don't think she would be happy with you and I becoming best friends." I say, reminding him of Carly. "Well, I'm a big boy. I can handle her." he says. "Well, what if I win the bet and the feelings are mutual? What would happen between you and her?" I ask. "Well, I guess well figure out when the time comes." he says, smiling mischievously. 

"Oh, god. I can't believe i'm actually going to accept this bet." I say to myself. James smiled at me and said, "How about we make this a little bit more interesting." "Oh gosh, what?" I say, scared of his new thought. "How about the loser buys the winner a present?" he adds. "What kind of present?" I ask. "I don't know. I guess it could be anything." he answers. "Could a kiss count as a present?" I ask. "I don't know. Depends." he answers with a grin.

"I don't know if I should take you up on this bet." I say after thinking for a moment. "Why? Are you scared that you're going to lose?" he says. "No, it's just, I don't know, this bet just sounds crazy." I tell him. "Stop being a scaredy cat. Live a little." he says to me. I pause for a second before answering him. "Fine. I'll take you up on your bet." James smiled at my reply. "Let's shake on it. It makes it seem official." James says to me, raising his hand.

Hesitantly, I shook his hand. I knew that this bet would cause a lot of turmoil but I was excited. Maybe this was my chance with him. Maybe I could possibly win this bet and get the guy.  

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