Chapter 4: With new gifts, comes grate loss.

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* 2 months later*

It's been a few months since I last trained with Daimen. I see him when ever me and Katrina go to lunch. He's now became an office member at our special table. I find myself missing him throughout the day. Normal to miss a new friend right? I hope so.... Lately dad has been more busy with running Olympus, so I never have time to see him. I managed to sneak a few peeks at him when it comes to bed time and he's just getting home. Even then I only catch glimpses of the back of him. Currently we are in the middle of God History, one of the most interesting classes ever. Haydes has been subbing for us since Athena was having another baby. He's going on about how the grate war between the humans and us has forced us gods to stay frightening, if we weren't they would walk all over us again. You could say I was sort of becoming a teachers pet, jotting every note down, getting an A+ on all my homework and tests. It's. It my fault I just find it all interesting. In the middle of jotting down the last section of notes a huge jolt of pain raced through my body. I remember slipping out of my chair and onto the floor. Kids were yelling random weird things..

" her eyes there glowing! "
" no look her whole body is glowing "
" she's gone blue!" I remember being picked up off the floor, by who I don't know. They were really warm and I felt myself curling into them. I'm guessing it was Mr. Hades since he was God of Hell. My eyelids fluttered shut and would up every now and then, the world going by in slow motion. Images of storms and hurricanes filled my head. As I was sat into a bed, most likely now in the nurses office, I felt my self drift into a deep slumber. In my dream I saw my self drowning, no one was around. I was stuck in the middle of the ocean, I cried out for help but nothing came out of my mouth. I could feel the salt water burning the back of my throat as gallons of water smashed against the back of my throat. I thought this was the end, that I would drown. Against the waters surface something bright caught my eye. I noticed the sky going from a dark over cast of gloomy different variation of grey clouds to a clear sky. I smiled to myself as a memory tried to brake through my head. Something seemed to stop it. I found myself no longer fighting a raging current or harsh waves. I swam up to the surface and gasped for air as my face hit them summer warm air. I pushed the wet hair out of my face and began looking around. I noticed I wasn't to far from shore and swam for it.

When I managed to reach the shore line I found myself on top of a hill, overlooking a beautiful forest. There was a picnic blanket laid on top of it. I made my way toward the mysterious sight. Setting upon the blanket sat small charms of little lightening bolts. I grinned, because I loved lightening, storms in general were the best. They relaxed me, and seemed to be just as angers as me sometimes. I felt another pang of hurt as I vaguely remember the sight before me, but from where? I looked up to the sky and saw thunder clouds rolling in, just like my now angering mood. I sighed and began a battle in my head to figure out were I remember this from.mTears were pouring down my cheeks. With out even relishing I noticed the sky broke lose and water was pouring down along with it. I yelled and cursed the gods for this. Lightening struck down around me. Jumping back out of fright I managed to get in the way of a bolt. Electricity ran through my veins. Surprisingly I didn't feel an inch of pain, but felt at one with my self. As if the lightening was suppose to be in me. I smiled to myself. Small sparks erupted from my finger tips. I thoughts them to the ground and watched the scene before me change to being on top of a volcano. I walked aimlessly around. More storm clouds were coving the grey sky created by the ash. I tapped a finger to the ground causing a small burst of lava to shoot up. I grinned to myself. Ohh look what I can do! I ran over to the top of the volcano, only steps from the opening. I shot my hands toward the sky and gasped as huge bursts of lightening shot from them. The power caused my to fall back into the huge piles of ash surrounding the top. I smiled, was this my calling? A lightening and storm goddess? It can't be, there's only a few of them ever to be heard of in existence. I can not be that lucky! Can I? I looked up and felt a wave of dizziness hit me. The world was fading away from my grip, and I was falling. Falling into a pit of darkness. The black shadows engulfed me, taking me to be there prisoner....

I shot awake in a bed. I had to shield my eyes from the bright fluorescent lights above me. I winced in pain due to this swift movement. I glanced down to a now bleeding arm. Panic shot across my face. Huge alarms went off cause me to panic more. Several nurses Burt through the door, and came running in. Telling me to sit still. One grabbed my arm and began harshly cleaning it. Another places a cotton ball on top of wear the blood was coming out from. Another was asking if I was alright. I felt a sting of pain in my arm. I glanced over and noticed the nurse shoving a HUGE NEEDLE into my arm! No no no!! I feverishly pulled away. The nurse just yelled more causing me to shrink back into my bed. She told me the ivy or what ever it was, had to stay in my arm. I grumbled and glared at her. The light from the windows faded, showing the signs of a storm erupting. One of the nurses had a flash of panic spread across her face.

" call Zeus!" My father? Why do they need to bug him? I suddenly felt sick, the nurse must have noticed because she thrusted a small trash can to me. I took it gladly and began emptying my stomach of all its containments. The redheaded nurse smiled and took the can away from me. She re adjusted my pillows and blankets. Told me food will be up soon and left me alone in the room. Or so I thought. I heard a small snore and glanced around the room. At first everything was blurry, but soon things became clear. I noticed a male turned and sprawled across the couch. Who is in here with me! I looked him over picking up small pieces of what he looked like. His brown hair swept over his eyes. He had or a black hoodie and sweats. His squished face against the cushions seemed familiar. I sat there studying my face for what seemed like hours, when it was really only 20 minuets, my thoughts were cut off due to the small of food. A nurse rolled in a big cart. Two treys, one for me and mystery dude. I glanced down and smiled. Shrimp pasta with cooked vegetables smothered in cheese, a thing of Apple sauce, and a carton of chocolate milk sat basking in front of me. My mouth watered at the sight. I soon began my descend upon my food. When I was finished I noticed the second trey wasn't in front of me. Weird.... I looked up and caught his gaze in mine. Daimen. My puzzled expression must have gave my confusion away.

" I brought u to the nurses office when u passed out..." He said just slightly above a whisper. My mouth formed an 'oh'.
" they said u had to be brought here to the hospital,.... I told them I had to stay."
" Won't u get in trouble for missing school?" I retorted back.
" No your dad said I was to stay here.... I haven't left at all."
" long...?" I could barely choke out the words as my mouth went dry.
" about 2 weeks ..." A blush crept across his cheeks.
" 2 weeks!!!" I glared around the room. I've been asleep for 2 weeks?!?! The silence was broken to the sound of my booming father entering the doorway.

"Carmen!?" He said as he plowed me into a hug against me. A smile crept across my face.
" Hi daddy "
" Are you okay? Dose anything hurt?! " my father moved my arms slightly examining me.
" yeah I'm...."
" she will be fine sir. " I peaked around my father and noticed a tall man with a big white coat on. He blonde hair was cut short, to fit his face perfectly.
" She's stable, I think it's time you finally tell the children at the camp what's going to be happening. And what has happened with miss Carmen here. " I looked at him puzzled. The doctor looked at my father. He stained back as if they were talking through there minds.

" sweetheart...." You got your powers. My father said with a hint of sadness and anger in his voice.
" what do u mean?? Demi's don't ......"
" we lied..... Your a full goddess my sweetheart" I sat there with wide eyes and glanced around the room.
" And it's now about time u finally learned to survive in your own " what was he talking about?
" Daddy I don't understand..." His warmth left my side as he stormed out the room. Tears were pour down my face. Daimen looked as shocked as I was but crawled up next to me and pulled into a hug. I buried my face into his shoulder. The quietness was broken to the loud clashes of thunder. Who cares anymore...... My daddy doesn't love me anymore.... Thoughts swarmed my head. I felt myself growing tiered and moved so I was laying on Daimens chest. The world seemed to melt away with my tears. I soon found myself welcoming sleep as it crashed onto me.

*I hope u guys liked it, took me a while to finally get it typed up. Tell me what you think so far?? No.... Okay v.v 😔

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