Part three: Brown Eyes

Start from the beginning

"Are you upset with me?" He asked, staring at her rather than the masterpiece in front of them.

"Why would I be upset?" Posey shrugged.

"You seem upset," Tobias pointed out.

"I have no reason to be upset," Posey pushed her dark hair over her shoulder. "How's that girl you told me about?"

"What girl?" Tobias raised a brow.

"You said there was someone in your life," Posey turned her glossy brown eyes to the god. "You said she wouldn't agree with my opinion of you."

"Gemma," Tobias said in recognition.

"Gemma," Posey tried the name on her lips. "How is she?"

"She's married."


"Yes," Tobias nodded his head. "It was a beautiful wedding. She looked beautiful."

"I bet she did," Posey looked away from the god and focused on the painting once more. Her eyes ran up and down the red juice of the fruit running down the woman's wrist.

Tobias followed the girl's eyes to the painting. A few months ago when he first had the idea to have Posey come to Paris, he had been standing in front of the exact canvas thinking about her. He was addicted to the way her eyes scanned every inch. If he was allowed, he could watch her for hours as she watched the painting.

"Persephone?" Tobias said after a while as the silence between them stretched.

"Yes, Tobias?" Posey turned her head.

"I can leave if you want me to."

"No!" Posey jumped in fright. She grabbed Tobias's hand and tugged it toward her. "I'm already upset at you for taking so long. Don't go."

"So you are upset with me?" Tobias gave a rare laugh.

"Yes," Posey said breathlessly, her eyes fixed on the dark strand of hair that dangled over the god's forehead. "Why did you make me wait so long?"

Tobias's eyes lingered on his hand in Posey's as he tried to string all the right words together.

"I wanted you to have more time with your family," he said after a long pause.

"How does the myth go?"

Tobias lifted his dark eyes, "Pardon me?"

"The myth of Hades and Persephone," Posey said slowly. "How does it go again?"

Tobias's eyes scanned her face. Before he could answer Posey continued.

"She spent half the year on Earth and the other half in the Underworld....... You made me live through winter here."

Tobias frowned. His mind started to race and his heart began to ache. He could feel himself on the verge of making a big mistake, a mistake he wanted to make very badly. But as he watched the girl in front of him, he knew he needed to put a stop to whatever was happening before either one of them fell from the skies too hard.

"Why," Tobias began slowly as he pulled his hand back from Posey. "Why would I take you to the underworld with me?"

Posey blinked in confusion, "It's where I belong.....with you."

Tobias felt his chest tighten, "Posey, I think I may have given you the wrong impression."

"Are we not going to the underworld?" Posey asked. "Will we be staying here? On Earth?"

"You will be staying here on Earth."

"And you're staying with me," Posey stated.

"No," Tobias shook his head. "I am not staying with you."

"Then you're bringing me with you," Posey tried so hard to make sense of what he was saying.

"No," Tobias got up from the bench Posey lifted her eyes and watched him. "I just came to say hello. Not to bring you with me or to come stay with you."

A bitter lump began to form in Posey's throat. She felt her stomach drop as everything around her began to spin.

"You came to say hello?" She asked, biting down to not shout.

"Yes," Tobias said.

"I thought you came to take me with you," Posey confessed. "I'm Persephone........ You're Hades......"

"No, Posey," Tobias shook his head. "That's a myth. And we just happen to have the same names."

Posey frowned. She felt as if an ice cube was sliding down her back as she glared up at the god.

"Why are you here?" She huffed in anger.

"I came to say hello," Tobias stared down at the girl.

"Does the God of the Underworld go around to pay annual visits to everybody he saves?"

"I didn't save you," Tobias shook his head. "It wasn't your ti-."

"Why did you come back?" Posey's voice rose just a bit and cracked. "If you're not going to take me with you then why are you here?"

"Posey," Tobias gave a light laugh. "Again. Why would I take you with me?"

"Because I've been waiting for you," Posey jumped to her feet. "You belong to me."

"You don't know me," Tobias frowned. "I don't know you. We've only ever spent a few hours with each other."

"It feels like a lifetime," Posey took a small step forward. "Tell me it doesn't."

Tobias looked into the girl's brown eyes, "You don't belong in the underworld."

"Then we can stay here."

"What do you think is going on here?" Tobias suddenly grew angry. He watched as Posey's steps halted and a frown appeared on her face. "Have you lost your mind? We're not star crossed lovers."

Posey visibly flinched from his words. She felt the little ice cube turn into a bucket of cold water as it poured all over her body, freezing every cell. Tobias watched as the warmth in her brown eyes began to freeze and then crack like ice. Her face drained of all color and she began to fidget, shifting from feet to feet.

Seeing the hurt in Posey's eyes, Tobias felt a ton of dread land on his shoulder as if the sky had fallen on him. He lifted his hand and reached out for the girl.


Posey's eyes darkened like the God of the Underworld.

"Persephone is dead to you."  

What do you think? I think Posey has a lot of hell in her, despite what Tobias might think.          

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