"No, no, I knew you guys knew about Padme and I, well at least I assumed you did, but how'd you know she was pregnant?"

"Easy, you just told me," Ahsoka said with a smirk. Anakin just looked at her dumbfounded while the usually stoic Obi-Wan Kenobi began to burst out in laughter.

"Oh she really got you on that one Anakin," Obi-Wan said bent over laughing.

Anakin's face contorted into a scowl. "Anyways... let's get to the reason for our call," Anakin suggested through gritted teeth.

"Yes, let's," Ahsoka replied. "I hope you have some good news for me."

"Well, yes and no," Obi-Wan said. "We have gotten you what you should need to take down the ships the Separatists are using, but we're not bringing them."

"What do you mean you're not bringing them? How is it getting here?" Ahsoka asked confused.

"Well, the council wouldn't allow us to interfere, so we had to get the weapons from—" Obi-Wan was cut off by the sound of a ship landing outside. Ahsoka sprung out of the bed and ran outside with Lux in tow. When she got outside, she saw an all too familiar ship. Looking back down at the holo-pad, she opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by Obi-Wan. "Yes, it's him." Ahsoka groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Him? Who's him?" Lux asked. However, before anyone could answer, a man exited the ship.

"It is I! The great Hondo Onaka, bringing a gift just for you!" Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"Master, why did it have to be him?"

"He was the only person with the weapons and ability to get to you," Anakin replied.

"Why so hostile child? I bring you what you need for your fight," Hondo said with fake hurt. Ahsoka huffed in annoyance. "Kenobi, my friend! Thank you for reaching out to me, I'm always happy to help a friend... for a fee."

"Yes, yes I know, you will receiver your payment shortly."

"Wonderful!" Hondo said clasping his hands together. Suddenly, blaster shots came wizzing by. Hondo jumped in fright and made his way back to his ship. "Oh my, look at the time. I must be going now. Until we meet again!" With that he boarded the ship and left, leaving the rebels to their fight.

"Quick, we need to distribute these launchers and take out those gunships," Steela commanded as everyone began to pass out the launchers. Saw, being his overeager self, upon receiving a launcher immediately took aim at a gunship and fired. The rocket traveled at insane speed and rammed into the side of the gunship, penetrating its shield and sending it crashing into the ground.

Saw chuckled upon seeing his handiwork. "Oh I love this." The rest of the rebels began to cheer triumphantly, but the battle was still not won. It was one ship out of many, and they still had thousands of battle droids to worry about.

Suddenly, Steela got a message over her comm, "Steela, they're attacking the nest. They're after the king!"

Steela gasped. "Come on!" She waved for Ahsoka and Lux to follow them as she climbed atop her Ruping. Ahsoka and Lux followed, boarding their own Ruping.

By the time they had made it back to the Nest, nearly everyone guarding the base had been killed, save the King and his 2 guards, and the entire base was in flames. Steela immediately jumped into action, using her launcher to take down the gunship, while Ahsoka and Lux helped the guards with the few ground units that were at the base.

King Dendup had been cornered on the edge of a cliff, with a battle droid closing in. Steela had to use her blaster this time and took out the droid just before it could force the king over the edge.

"Are you alright, Your Majesty?" Steela asked him.

"Thanks to you," he replied with a smile.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Saw and the remaining rebels were finishing off the Separatist army, only a fraction of the droids remained, and nearly all the gunships had been taken down thanks to their new weapons. Saw was barking out orders for the ground units and telling the troops when to shoot their launchers.

Finally, there was just one gunship remaining. "Last ones mine," he said confidently and shot his rocket. It was a direct hit, sending the ship spinning out of control. He raised his fist in victory, but little did he know, it's trajectory put it right on line with the ledge Steela and King Dendup were on.

Steela was the first to see it and her eyes went wide. "Get down!" She shouted as she grabbed the king by the shoulders and pulled him to the ground with her. It hit the ledge directly in front of them and flipped over, landing near Lux and Ahsoka, the pair also nearly escaping being crushed.

Suddenly, the ledge that Dendup and Steela were on began to crack. Steela pushed the king back onto solid ground, and tried to make the jump herself, but the ledge had already called too much. She grabbed onto the side of the mountain, but her grip was quickly slipping. Lux slip down to try to grab her, but she was too far away and his arms couldn't reach her. He leaned too far forward and fell over the edge. In a panic Ahsoka used the force to grab him and pull him back to safety, setting him down safely behind her. She then turned her attention to Steela. Though they didn't get along too well, and she knew Steela was still not happy that Lux chose Ahsoka over her, Ahsoka didn't want her to die. That wasn't the Jedi way, even if she had already broken the code a lot, that was one thing she thought the council was right about.

Ahsoka used the force to begin to lift Steela up. "I got you!" Ahsoka said through gritted teeth. She was tired from battling and her strength had been drained, but she fought through the pain to bring Steela back up to safety.

Suddenly, Ahsoka heard a gunshot behind her and whipped her head around, to see that the fallen gunship was not yet out of commission and had sent a shot flying towards her. It was like time slowed down. Ahsoka immediately took one of her hands from lifting up Steela, and used it to freeze the bullet in place. She used every ounce of her strength to make an attempt to pull Steela up, but with her energy dwindling, she could not do it with one hand. Ahsoka continued to grit her teeth and use every ounce of strength she had to pull Steela back to safety, when she began to glow white and float. Lux stared at her in shock and awe, while Steela just look completely flabbergasted. Whatever was happening, gave Ahsoka the strength to pull Steela back up, and send the blaster bold shooting back towards the fallen gunship at breakneck pace.

Once Steela had been returned to safety, however, the light faded and Ahsoka fell back to the ground in a heap. Lux quickly rushed over to her and picked her up in his arms. "Ahsoka, Ahsoka, please be okay!" Lux pleaded shaking her in an attempt to wake her up. Suddenly, he saw her chest rise and fall, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"How is she?" Steela asked.

"Well she's alive and breathing. Whatever that was must have drained her energy pretty much dry," Lux replied.

"Yeah, what was that?"

"I-I don't know. She never mentioned this or has done this before, not in front of me at least. I guess we'll have to ask her when she wakes up." Steela just nodded in response and turned to walk back to the base. Lux picked Ahsoka up bridal style and began to follow Steela back to the base to get Ahsoka the treatment she needed. Lux looked down at his hopefully just passed out girlfriend and kissed her gently on her montral. "Please be okay 'Soka," he muttered under his breath.

Holy. Shit. FINALLY a new chapter, and it's only been... *checks when last update was*... 120 DAYS?!?! Holy shit guys I'm so sorry it's been that long. I just got busy with school and other stuff and over break I've just kind of chilled, but hopefully I'll be back to more semi-regular updates at least. Thank you all to everyone that's still reading this, as I still get updates almost daily of people reading my stuff and commenting and voting and it really makes my day, so here's an update for all of you that are still reading this!

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