Chapter 20 - All I Want for Christmas is You

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When I woke up the following morning with Demi shaking me slightly, I saw her smiling down at me. I knew that smile. It was her ‘I’m about to cause trouble’ smile.

“Demi, whatever the hell you are about to do. DON’T! It’s Christmas morning…just—“ I was cut off by a plate of whipped cream meeting with the flesh of my face.

I wiped off my face before I looked at Demi who looked strangely innocent. I looked to my other side and there stood my oldest sister Amber smirking at me while looking completely guilty.

“Amber, I love you but you are in so much trouble”  I said as I scrambled out of my bed and chased Amber out of my room.

She ran into the guest room and tried to close the door but I got there before she could manage it. I shoved my way into the room and tackled her on to the bed, pinning her there. I wiped off whatever whipped cream was still on my face and smeared it all over her own face.

“That’s what you get big sister” I said getting off her.

Amber and I both laughed out.

I walked back to my room before quickly changing into a pair of grey blazers with a black button up shirt and light blue skinny jeans with a pair of black high tops. I then grabbed the gifts from the top of my closet, the promise rings, my phone and my wallet before once again leaving my room. I walked towards the front door and set the bag of gifts down next to the other three that were there before going into the kitchen and sitting at the table across from my two sisters. They seem to have gotten closer and everything seemed okay. The three of us had a quick breakfast seeing as it was now almost 11 am before heading over to Demi and I’s parents’ house.

On our way out, the three of us each grabbed one bag of gifts with me grabbing the left over bag and left the apartment. We all got into my truck and drove over to my family's house. Amber was a little nervous but excited at the same time. I guess she felt awkward about being at Christmas with my family since she wasn’t the daughter of my mom or step dad. I will say it was a little weird referring to Patrick as ‘Dad’ around her but I guess she sensed that because she said she was fine with hearing me call Eddie my dad since just like with Dallas, Demi and I, Patrick wasn’t really a father to her either. But we loved and missed him just the same. The three of us caught up with what has gone on in our lives. Amber got all happy and bubbly when I told her that I was going on tour starting March of 2015 and said she couldn’t wait to come to my show. Amber asked about Selena and I, she was happy to hear that we were going strong.

Speaking of Selena and I, we’ve learned to keep our relationship PDA nonexistent when we were out in public together because people would always be taking pictures and then there would be hate online. I saw the effect it had on Selena, no matter how much she said that it didn’t bother her, I could tell that it did hurt her. We both had fans that supported us and our relationship and that was always amazing. I love my fans, I love Selena’s fans and I love my sister’s fans because we got the most support from those three groups.

 It took us about forty five minutes to get to the house because of the small amount of Christmas traffic, which was surprisingly bearable for LA. When we arrived, the three of us gathered the bags and walked into the house. Amber was immediately greeted by a hug from my mom, which she returned excitedly.

It honestly ended up feeling like we formed a conveyor belt line for hugs because after my mom released Amber from a hug she grabbed me into one and then Demi followed, after each person we just moved onto the next and got another hug. The line ended with Dallas.

Amber and Demi placed the gifts from inside the bags to underneath the tree while I helped Maddie finish setting up the table for our early Christmas dinner. After that was finished I helped my mom and dad in the kitchen while my mom insisted that Amber relax, but she decided to help instead. It was quite a sight to see.

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