A Door

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Chara POV

I woke up, I go to the Bathroom, and getting ready for Breakfast with my Family ^^

After my Fall, Everything had been doing pretty well.., My adoptive Siblings, which mean is Azzy and the other Fallen Child had been nice to me.., the Queen and King were nice to!!

I'm Really happy for this!!r

So, after I was done, I ho down the Stairs, when I go out of my Bedroom, James (A.K.A Bravery) Is go out to from his and Sky (A.K.A Patience) room- It's not like they are couple- but they really are Siblings from the start-

Anyway, I going down the stairs and..

"Oh, Good Morning, Chara", Violet (A.K.A Perseverance) Greet me

"Morning Sis!!"

I look around, and I find..

"Uh.., Sky? She's sleeping here?"

"Yeah.., she always woke up early, but always ended up at the Couch after she done her thing-" Yeah, that's normal- Sky is the Most Lazies person here.., no wonder that she and Sans could get along pretty well..

"Oh well.., let's just woke her.., or Kai(A.K.A Kindness) might.."

"Yeah.." And so, she woke Sky up, and I walked to the kitchen to find Kai and Mom baking Pie

"Morning Mom, Kai!!"

"Morning Chara!!" He likes to cook, and EVERYBODY Likes his cooking, so he always cook with Goat Mom-

"Where is Jack (A.K.A Justice)?"

"He is in the Waterfall.. Train to Shot his gun with Undyne" Oh-

"He go there again.."

"Yeah.., also, Breakfast is almost ready, mind calling him, Chara?" He asked

"Sure!!" And so, I walked to the Waterfall to call Jack.

When I got to MTT place, Angel (A.K.A Integrity) had her Dance lesson with Mettaton, I don't bother to call her to- She always eat first to having her lesson.., so yeah..

Different with Jack that Never eat breakfast before do his 'Training' with Undyne-

So I always had to call him..

Oh well-

I was walking, but something caught my eyes..

A Door.

Yes.., A Door..

'Weird.., never saw that door before..'  so I decide to check it out, maybe a new Monster that Doctor Gaster made from his science thingy?

I knock on the door.., but No one answer..

I knock again.., still.. No Answer..

I try to open the door.., and it not locked..

So I checked what is inside of it..

But it all Black..

No other color..

But my DETERMINATION Is enough to check what is inside this door.

Other then Black Ofc..

So I walked in.., I'm going deeper.. and deeper..


I saw a Figure.., wearing all black.., literally taller than me.., and their face.., everything.., is white..

"Hello?" They turned their head to me, surprised..

"🕈︎︎☟︎︎⚐︎︎ ✌︎︎☼︎︎☜︎︎ ✡︎︎⚐︎︎🕆︎︎✍︎?"

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