You ok?

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While at school, I was sat on my own as Lexi had to be in hell with lucifer for the day. He probably had to talk to her about me which was a very, very long conversation.

In art, everyone was sat around me doing their drawings. Today I had four lessons of art as I'm studying it here in college because it's something I enjoy doing. Just me and my pencil, although I never really focused on what I was drawing a lot, it just happened.

That was until the door opened and I was snapped out from my head. It was at that moment I realised I was drawing Nikolai. It was a quarter done but you could tell who it was by the eyes and the nose.

Nikolai walked in making me turn the page to draw something else. Well, that was until I noticed him limping holding his side. His eyes were full of pain as he limped over to my table and sat down. Nikolai winced as he pulled out his sketchbook and started drawing.

"Eli." His voice shook as he said my name. I kind of had to restrain myself from groaning at the way my name just rolled of his tongue. Wait! What? No, I don't like him.

"What." I spat out angry at myself I had a sexual thought about this boy who's clearly in pain.

"N-nothing." Nikolai's voice cracked as he just sat there. That's when I realised he didn't have a pencil to draw with. So I put my hand under the desk so no one could see and flicked my wrist making a pencil appear in my hand.

I let it roll to him, getting a small, grateful smile from him. "Thank you."

I gave a small nod before standing up and leaving the class room. Hannah tried to stop me but I just ignored her. With my bag on my shoulder and my sketchbook in my hand, I sat in the atrium to carry on my drawing.

No one would be here to question me about it so I didn't care. So for the next three hours, I carried on trying to get the face right. Once I was done, I looked it over with a sigh. The eyes weren't correct.

So I rubbed it out and tried again. It took me five tries to get it right, which took at least another hour. In the end, the bell rang just as I had finished the drawing. With another sigh, I closed the book and put my pencil in my mouth. I leaned back on the chair with my eyes closed and my hands on top of my head.

Just then I felt someone sit on my lap and place a kiss on my cheek. My hands slid around her waist to hold the small girl close to me.

"I thought you were with lucifer." I started after taking the pencil out of my mouth.

"I was." Lexi shrugged. "But he was boring me so I left when he wasn't looking." She giggled.

Nikolai then sat down with a small chocolate bar and a longing look in his eyes.

"Hey Nick." Lexi frowned. "Are you ok? You look a little pale."

"Y-yeah. I-I'm f-fine." He smiled but I could see it was forced. Just then he gasped and held his breath.

"Are you sure you're ok?" She stood up and went over to him.

"Y-yeah." Nikolai sighed.

"Why does he hit me? What have I done to him to deserve this?"  I read Nick's mind.

I frowned not knowing what that actually meant. Who hit him? Why did they do it? Nick is so small and pure, I can see it. Literally, he's smaller than Lexi. She's 5'6 and Nikolai must be around 5'4. Both are really small against my 6'8 frame.

"Brandon?" Lexi called out and looked over Nick's shoulder.

"Hello beautiful." Brandon wrapped his arm around Lexi's waist to pull her to his chest. They both smirked at each other before they started snogging. Did I forget to mention Brandon and Lexi are a thing? Sorry, well in hell these two are the couple of the year and have been for over 200 years. Yes, they've been a couple for 215 years.

"Eli." Brandon gave me a curt nod when he pulled away from Lexi and their kiss.

"Brandon." I gave a small nod back.

"What are you doing here?" Lexi smiled up at him. Brandon is 6 foot 5 inches. Still tall but not as tall as me. The average heigh for a demon is 6'5 for a man and a girl would be 5'6. But for some reason I tower over everyone except lucifer, he's 6'9. Not by much but it's still there. Even the devil himself doesn't know why I'm my height and modern doctors can't even tell me. Everything about me big. Wink wink.

I'm kidding but then again I'm not. And in demon form I'm 8 foot 8 inches still an inch smaller than lucifer when we are human and demon forms. People in hell call me LL, standing for little lucifer. It's because I'm the tallest demon and I'm more intimidating than lucifer himself. It doesn't take much to scare me anymore. It doesn't take much to make me sad either.

Everything I have ever loved has been taken from me. Some don't even get a choice but others just leave. I've become used to people leaving me now. No explanation, they just leave so I've gotten used to it. But I know for a fact that Lexi and Brandon will never leave my side, especially Lexi.

"I've come for school. Big boss man gave me the next two years off so I can join you and grumps over there." Brandon chuckled.

"Yeesssssss. Now you can carry me around. Eli walls way to fast." Lexi rolled her eyes.

"Yes. Hannah has also given me the same timetable as you and Eli so I'll be with you all day. Also I get to crash at Darren and Hannah's so we can share a room." He winked at her.

Lexi squealed making me and Nikolai cringe.

"Brandon, this is Nikolai. He's mine and Eli's new friend. Nick, this is Brandon my boyfriend." Lexi introduced them.

"Hello." Nick breath out with a forced smile.

"Hello. You ok? You seem a little pale." Brandon frowned.

"I'm ok." He smiled weakly.

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