An unexpected letter

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You got up from your seat and Pansy immendiatly grabbed your arm and dragged you to the dungeons with Blaise and Draco following. Once you were at the dungeons Pansy let go of you and sat down in the couch. You, Draco and Blaise sat down as well.

- You can tell me now.(Pansy)

- Fine. What do you want to know?(Y/N)

- I already told you, I want to know everything.(Pansy)

- Which one do you want to start with?(Y/N)

- Cliff since he is older.(Pansy)

- Sorry to interrupt but we are going to talk about your cousins again?(Blaise)

- Yes Zabini now shut up.(Pansy)

- Whatever Parkinson.(Blaise)

- Honestly Pansy I don't know what else to tell you besides what you already know.(Y/N)

- Tell about their appearence.(Pansy)

- Well last time him he had brown hair as well as Jonathan.(Y/N)

- Don't you have a picture or something?(Pansy)

- I think I have one in my drawing book.(Y/N)

- Can you show me?(Pansy)

- If you really want to.(Y/N)

- Go get it.(Pansy)

- Come with me then.(Y/N)

You and Pansy got up and walked over to your room.

- Should we go with them?(Blaise)

- I am honestly curious about her cousins so yeah lets go.(Draco)

Draco and Blaise got up and followed you and Pansy. Once you were in your room you went to your desk and grabbed your drawing book. You looked thru the pages and found the picture of you and your two cousins and handed to Pansy.

- Oh my god their are hot. Wait a minute is this you Y/N?(Pansy)

- Yeah.(Y/N)

-How old were you?(Pansy)

- Maybe five.(Y/N)

- Oh my god you are so cute.(Pansy)

- Let us see.(Blaise)

Pansy gave the picture to Blaise and he showed it to Draco.

- Oh my god my girlfriend was so cute.(Draco)

- Indeed.(Blaise)

- I am still cute.(Y/N)

- Yeah but now you are more hot than cute.(Draco)

- Thanks I guess.(Y/N)

- Damn Y/N those two look like your body guards.(Blaise)

- They are and I am sure that when Draco meets them they are going to interview him to make sure he is good enough for me.(Y/N)

- I am good enough right?(Draco)

- You are more than enough so don't worry.(Y/N)

- So if Draco ever hurts you they could kill him?(Blaise)

- No, they would never kill him only harm or injur him really badly.(Y/N)

- Well now I am scared.(Draco)

- And I am in love.(Pansy)

- Pansy stop it.(Y/N)

- Who else in your family wouldn't hesitate in hurting Draco or whoever hurts you?(Blaise)

In Love With My Best Friend¹Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat