Nikolai POV
When I got out of Eli's car, I mumbled a quick thanks before shutting the door. When I went into my house, I heard Eli drive off. The house was eerily quiet, too quiet for my liking.
That was until my dads drunken voice slurred out my name as he stumbled out of the living room.
"Where have you been." My dad slurred.
"I-I w-was at a f-friends h-house." I shakily told him. I tried not to cry but I could feel tears start to build up.
"You should have been straight home from that shit school you love so much. You should have had my dinner on the table faggot. It should have been there a FUCKING HOUR AGO!" He yelled.
His hand connected with my cheek making the slap echo through the small two story house. My dad then threw me to the ground and started kicking my stomach. Definitely breaking a rib and bruising my pale skin.
"I'm sorry." I screamed and sobbed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
No matter how many times I cried or screamed he didn't stop. If anything he made the kicks harder making sure to break a rib. With one punch to the face, my dad grunted then went back to the living room.
I tried to get up and go to my room but I was too weak. It was only me and my dad since my mum left us. She didn't want me so up and left. I was five and ever since then I've been beaten by my dad.
At first I thought it was normal, to be hit. Then in year six when I was ten years old I was taught a lesson on abuse. It was then I realised what my dad was doing to me, was very wrong.
But I'm scared. I'm terrified that if I tell anyone that I'd be found by him again and killed. Now I have Lexi and Eli, well not so much Eli but Lexi. She pretty much took me under her wing immediately and didn't have a second thought about it. In time I'm sure Eli and I will be able to talk about common things we like, but until then I'm ok with just Lexi.
Even if they don't know it, both so them have given me a reason to live. Lexi has shown me there is still light among all this darkness. And yet Eli may be dark and mysterious himself, he hasn't said anything to make me feel unwanted which I'm grateful for.
After ten minutes of lying on the floor, I was able to pull myself up and get to my room. Soon enough I was able to lay on my bed, ignoring the pain in my chest and stomach.
Being mentally and physically drained, I was finally able to fall asleep. Given the fact that I was in pain and could barely move. I was still able to sleep to escape my hell of a reality.
People say they hate school and make fun of people who like being there. Yet they don't know the reason they like being there. They don't know so they just make fun of them. There could be many reasons, it's a way to be with friends, it's a way to express yourself through the arts of learning. Or it could be as serious as people being abused.
So yes, I get picked on for liking school a lot. In my old school and most likely will in this new one. But it won't get me down because it's my escape. They may not be able to see the physical and mental pain on my body or in my head, but they can see it by me saying I like being at school.
The arrogant cocky people that he it all. Two loving parents, money and a decent house to live in. I don't get that. I have a mother that walked out on me, I have a father that wastes all our money on alcohol and drugs to do in our living room. My only safe space is my room, and sometimes I don't get to feel safe here.
If I'm being honest my most safe space now is with Lexi at her house knowing there would be two men there to give me help if I needed it. If my dad ever found me. Even if Eli doesn't like me, I still trust him more than what I would most people I first meet, and Lexi.
Something attracts me to Eli though. His dark, mysterious, bad boy persona draws me in. For some reason I just want to kiss him and let him ravish me like the submissive I am. He gives off such a dominant aura that I have no problem being submissive to him. Eli is something else and it makes him that more attractive.
Of course he's good looking but I've only known him a day. I guess new schools have that perk. In reality I just want someone to take me away from this house and hold me. To tell me I'm safe in their arms and I'm ok, no one can harm me while I'm with them. But it'll never happen.
And most of all, I want that person to be Eli.
Even in my small bedroom with white walls. I've saved money myself that I've stole from my dad or found to make up this room. So if it came to people coming to my house they'd see that I have a fairly decent room.
It's definitely one of my safe havens with multiple locks on the door and my joint bathroom door. It's only so it takes my dad that bit longer to get in and I can call the police if it comes to it.
But that's not on my mind anymore, it's one sexy, black curly haired boy. Being named Eli.

ParanormalEli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...