Chapter 2

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No one's POV:

Izuku is sleeping now in the med bay. It's the next day and right now Genji and Mercy are explaining about Izuku. Safe to say their piss.

Reinhardt: "How could they do that to a child?!"

Tracer: "What the bloody hell did those kids were thinking?!"

Genji: "Izuku said that they always beat him up whenever he said he wanted to be a hero"

Zarya: "Then why beat him up? He wants to be hero"

Angela: "Izuku is quirkless"

Mei: "Are you sure?"

Angela: "Yeah he told me himself"

McCree: "But still why beat up a little child for wishing to become a hero. Even worse his parents ignore him just for being powerless"

Soldier 76: "Is it really true his father the number one hero?"

Angela: "How do you know that?"

Soldier 76: "I overheard"

Angela: "Yeah he is"

Hanzo: "Some hero he is"

Winston: "So what are gonna do with him?"

Tracer: "We can't send him back to his family. He will be miserable"

Angela: "Agreed. Propose we should keep him here"

Ana: "Are you sure? That will cause problems if somebody finds out"

Angela: "I know that's why I'm gonna adopt him"

Everybody: "What?!"

Genji: "I agree with Angela"

McCree: "You do?"

Genji: "Yes. Izuku has suffer enough in his life. What he needs now is somebody to guide him on the right path"

Zenyatta: "I agree with Genji. I sense a lot of suffering in him. I wish to help the boy from himself"

Winston: "Your gonna take a huge risk here"

Angela: "I know"

Winston: "Very well. But first you should ask Izuku about this. Dismiss"

Everybody began to leave. Genji, Angela, and Winston began to head to med bay. They enter and see Izuku is awake.

Angela: "Hello Izuku"

Izuku: "Hello"

Winston: "Hello Izuku I'm Winston"

Izuku: "Woah a talking monkey"

Genji: "Well a scientist really"

Izuku: "*sparkle eyes* You are?"

Winston: "Yes I am"

Izuku: "Cool"

Angela: "Hey Izuku we need to talk"

Izuku: "What is it?"

Angela: "We know that you don't want to go back to your family. So we have a proposal for you"

Izuku: "What is it?"

Genji: "Izuku do you like to be adopted by me and Angela?"

Izuku: "Really?"

Angela: "Yes. We like you as our son"

Izuku: "Yes! I woul like that!"

Genji and Angela hugged him. Winston gets out a tablet and makes it official. Some time pass and Izuku was ready to be discharge. Genji and Angela took him to meet the other agents.

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