"Yo, you Riley right? What are you waiting on?" he yelled, making me scramble to get into the car. Realizing I didn't know how to close the door, I looked over to my driver to see him staring back at me. Realizing the reason I hadn't closed the door, he reached over me to press a button allowing me to finally close the door. Lowly thanking him for his assistance, I pulled the seatbelt across my chest, silently hoping that the 20 minutes it would take to get to Manuel's house would go by quickly.

As we started moving, I noticed that the uber app on his phone kept beeping, as if it was trying to alert him of something. It was weird, but I shrugged it off thinking that he knew the area more than me. He seemed as if he'd lived here his whole life since he knew where to turn without looking at the app for further guidance. I relaxed in the seat letting the back of my head rest against the headrest, the soft beats that were wafting from his speakers were in contrast to his harsh character, making me aware of just how uncomfortable I was around males.

The floor of his luxury car vibrated with the bass notes and the atmosphere thumped with the music as my body pulsated with it. My auburn hair blew wildly in the wind since he had the windows cracked. The innocent, soft girl I once was replaced by a shell of a human being with the one emotion of fear. I glanced out the tinted windows becoming aware of the scenery and it didn't look anything like where my boyfriend stayed close by.

I looked over at him as my breathing grew heavier, my thoughts running blank. "A-Are we almost there?" I asked softly, clutching my phone tightly in my hand. He took his eyes off the road for a split second to look at me and then the road again, licking his brownish pinkish lips.

I pressed my forefinger on the power button and watched as the screen illuminated. I typed in my passcode and went to my apps looking for the Uber App. I began to tap my foot impatiently waiting on the little bit of data I did have to act right. I discreetly looked at him and averted my eyes back quickly to my phone once I saw that his eyes were already on me. I dimmed my brightness and tapped my fingers on my screen. I wanted to double check to make sure I didn't give him the wrong address. I selected 'Help' from the menu in the top left corner of the Uber app and went on my trips. I maneuvered my thumb over the 'Get in touch with Uber'

I jerked forward, in the seat as the car suddenly came to an abrupt stop causing my phone to drop. I looked over at him with the what the fuck face and hurriedly unbuckled my seatbelt trying to feel around for my phone. I sighed in exasperation not feeling my phone.

"Please can you help me look for my phone?" I asked sweetly. I stared into his eyes that were blacker than the bottom of the sea. His face took me by surprise. His face was contorted into an angry scowl as he just stared at me. I was freaked out. It was the same stare my Dad would give me when he would enter my room late at night knowing mom was sound asleep and wouldn't hear my pleas. I reacted out of fear and tried to search for the button discreetly to let myself out.

"I can't hold up this facade anymore Riley..." I watched in curiosity of what he meant. He lifted up slightly and dug in his dark jeans and fished out his pocket a BIC lighter and grabbed the loosie that was sitting in his cup holder. He put the cig to his slightly chapped lips and lit it, inhaled lightly, while holding the flame of the lighter to the tip for a moment. He took the lighter away and gave the cigarette a few strong brief draws to make sure it was well lit before looking at me smiling and lunging at me taking me by surprise.

I felt his sharp fingernails dig into my high cheekbone, my scream was stifled before it could even escape my mouth as he sent a fist flying in my direction instantly splitting my lip. My head instantly jerked to the side from the impact and smacked against his window and so did my blood. He was panting from our scuffle and so was I as I retaliated. I was trying my best to fight back.

He was acting like an animal in heat, it was obvious he was getting pleasure from whooping my ass. "Get the fuck off!" I screamed, kicking and hitting him in whatever direction I could as he lunged at me. "Get off!" I screamed, biting my lip crying aloud, fighting back. Jahseh got off me and pressed the button to his car letting himself out and then pulling me out by my hair.

"Mm," I groaned, cupping my bloody mouth. Feeling something come up, I coughed hard and conrralled the rattle in my chest into my mouth. I hunched over by his boot and parted my lips as a thick glob of blood mixed with my saliva hung off my chin and dripped onto his boot.

"Fucking nasty bitch!" His voice boomed in the cold night's air. I screamed in pain followed by a gasp as he sent a massive blow to my ribs sending me to the ground in a disheveled heap. I curled up into a ball as he took a step back from the scene.

Through blurry vision I looked up at him sobbing. "Don't you fucking move," He snarled, wagging a finger in my direction. I watched as he walked away to his car. I took my eyes off him and howled in agony as I turned on my back staring at the dark sky. Tears escaped as I thought about my boyfriend and how worried he must be that I'm not there, I bit my lip crying aloud from the pain I was in. Hearing something slam, I averted my eyes to the noise and saw Jahseh with what appeared to be duct tape and rope.



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