Depuis le début

Their ankles and hands were tied, and the rope was thick so something told Broken they would be there a while. But they didn't HAVE a while. Who knew what would happen next? Hegemol called up to them and asked "ASK HIM IF HES SEEN DRYYA!!" Hegemol was sitting on Ogrims head and he covered his ears. For someone so small he certainly could yell. Ze'mer turned to him and asked "Have you seen her?"

"Like I would tell you!" He sassed angrily and Ze'mer sat down and stopped trying to cut away the rope. "Oh yeah? is that so?" She picked up her nail and pointed it at his throat. "Where is she?" She asked, voice steady. He gave her a little more attitude and she pressed the nail closer to his neck. "ALRIGHT FINE!!" He gasped. "She was here a while ago, getting chased by Pha'whats his name. She was wearing a maid dress for some reason and that's all I KNOW IM SORRY-"

She removed the nail from his neck, a small bit of blood on it. She dried it off his her cloak and continued sawing the rope. After a while, both Evol and the Vessel were free. The Vessel had a pair of horns with an indent on the tops of each, making them look chipped and jagged. The Vessel clung to Broken and refused to let go.

They all waited around, Ogrim, Hegemol, and Ze'mer interrogating Evol. Eventually, a lot of sneaking around later, You and your team found the room. You pushed open the door and saw them, and Broken ran over and threw his arms around you and your siblings. The new Vessel hung back and you didn't see them until Broken let you and your siblings go. You gasped upon seeing them. "Oh my fucking wyrm..." You starred at the vessel. It was Little Ghost.

"What?" Hollow asked quizzically. "You remember when I explained the whole 'game' concept to you all?" Your siblings nodded. "That's who you play as." You pointed to Ghost and they tilted their head. "W-what do you mean?! Am I in trouble?!" "Oh man, you have so much to get caught up on. These are our siblings, I have nicknames for them. I so far have Nerd, Interdimensional space traveler, Posh girl and then me, the loveable and handsome muffin." He puffed out his chest and you gave him a look.

"So, should we go look for Dryya?" Hegemol asked, climbing back onto Broken's head. "Yeah, we should." Ze'mer nodded, the others all agreeing to it as well.

"I'm afraid that wont be necessary." Everyone whipped around to where the voice came from and Pha'Talo stepped out into the light. His blue eyes glinted angrily in the torchlight and he put his hands on his hips, making a disappointed "tsk"ing noise. "I see you've freed my prisoners. How rude. Now I'll just have to chain you all up." He sighed dramatically and Ze'mer matched his posture. "Seriously, I thought I was the only girly one here."

He looked thoroughly offended by this. "Why, I wouldn't expect Ms.I'mSoEdgyThatIHideMyFaceInAMask to need an attitude adjustment." "Oh yeah? I'm sure my edginess cut you so badly that you'll be needing a doctor." Flower was practically taking notes and Broken was containing his laughter. "Wait, that's a mask?" Evol asked out of nowhere. "Uhhh, yeah?" She removed what you originally thought was her face and what you saw underneath was nothing like how you would've expected. She was actually really pretty, but something was really wrong with her face. It had a lot of scars for some reason. She gave him a look and shoved it in a bag she had around her waist. "Embrace the edge." She said smoothly, and Pha'Talo growled angrily.

"So you WANT to fight?" He spat, pissed off. "Yes." She said coolly. "How about you give us Dryya back if I win, and if you win... yeah, unlikely." He didn't hesitate to lunge at the female knight, but she sidestepped and led him away from you and the others. You tried to lunge forward to help her but Ogrim grabbed you and shook his head. You huffed and struggled against him.

Pha'Talo summoned fire with his hand and launched at Ze'mer again, this time predicting her movement. She teleported at the last second and kicked him from behind. He retaliated by summoning a projectile sword and throwing it at her. She dodged and tried to skewer him with her nail. He grabbed the nail by the blade and yoinked it straight out of her hands, causing blood to flow from his hands. She blinked and stepped back, avoiding a swipe from the wyrm's claws.

You watched in awe as the knight and the wyrm danced around each other, occasionally going in for a hit. "Why is no one helping her?" You heard Radi ask Isma. "She challenged him, so its her fight. We'll only get involved if we have to. Its all part of a plan. Now, Broken, Flower, sneak out over there. You can look for Dryya-" Flames erupted in front of the door with a snap of Pha'Talo's fingers. "You're going NOWHERE." He hissed at them and leapt up to avoid a uppercut from Ze'mer. Suddenly, a pin shot out of the dark. It hit Pha'Talo in the face and he stumbled back. "What the?!"

"That's what you get for fucking kidnapping me." A figure leapt down from a ledge and landed gracefully. She stood and you practically fell over laughing. It was Dryya, but she was wearing a MAID DRESS. A really short, pretty revealing one too. "What the?! Where Ryska?! HOW DID YOU ESCAPE?!" "It was easy. I kicked her into the stratosphere and stole her weapon since I don't have mine." Dryya looked in pretty riugh shape, so you assumed this "Ryska" character didnt go down without a fight. She shrugged and Ze'mer dropkicked Pha'Talo from behind.

He fell over and Ze'mer raised her now retrieved nail. "Say goodbye!" She said, raising it above her head. He rolled away and surrounded them in a ring of fire. You jumped back, avoiding the flames. Everyone else did too, watching the three fight through the flames. "Find an exit!!" Hegemol called to you and you hurriedly looked around. The one entrance was blocked and you began panicking. There is no way out.

You continued to search, and you found a hole in the ground. You pointed to it and your group lunged forward and Broken, Ghost, and Hegemol went in, Isma soon followed and Ogrim hesitated, looking back at Radi and you. Radi hadn't moved and you planned on staying with the literal god. You gestured for him to get out of here and he did. You turned to look at the fight, wondering if it was morally right to leave the two knights to fight the wyrm. That's when you saw that Ze'mer was pinned down by Pha'Talo and he was about to go after Dryya.

What do you do?

Option A: Go into the hole, they can handle themselves

Option B: Run through the fire and help

The option is yours...


SO HI! I'm sure you weren't expecting that. If you are all like "What the fuck just happened?" let me explain. This is what truly makes this story special. You get to pick the ending to each arc! You are presented two options and I will release two chapters accordingly. As you can guess, one ends in death and one ends in survival. So what will you pick?

Erase and Ascend, peace out (did I mention the edits that I've made in a few chapters? I will be editing out inconsistencies every chapter upload. Your welcome!)

Vessels and Tears (Archived Version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant