Chapter 1

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I woke up, crap my stomach hurts from yesterday's beating. I ignore the pain and get ready for school. I'm early as usual so I walk up to the rooftop. I lay down on the bench, laying on my back. I look up at the sky and stay there for a few minutes.

I walked into class, everyone except Deku was there. He never misses a day at school, but I'm glad there's one less thing to worry about now.
"Good morning class..has anyone seen Midoriya Izuku?" Aizawa Sensei asked, walking into the classroom.
"No" Everyone replied.
"Wait! I remember last time he was late he was at the rooftop Aizawa Sensei" Round face adds.
"Yes sir?" Four eyes stands up.
"Can you go check the rooftop?"
"I'll go now!"

Tenya Iida~
I walk out the classroom. I go up the stairs that lead to the rooftop and open the door. I could see Midoriya laying on the bench, did he fall asleep?
"Uh Midoriya? Are you awake?" I walk up to him. He was sleeping. He didn't move when I asked, I noticed his stomach. His shirt was lifted up a little...I could see a bruise? Yes a bruise. I reached my hand out to lift it up a little more. There was a huge bruise on his stomach.
"Midoriya wake up!" He didn't budge. Is he unconscious? I carry him bridal style. I walk to the nurses office and nock on the door.
"Come in~" I hear her say on the other side.
"Uh good morning!"
"What's wrong? Is that Izuku?" She stood up and walked up to me.
"He was at the rooftop and he wouldn't wake up, he also has bruises on his stomach"
"You can lay him here" she said pointing to the bed next to her. I did as told.
"He's unconscious probably due to the pain" I add.
"Well thank you for bringing him hear young man. I'll heal him and let him rest for a bit"
"Thank you! I'll be heading to class now" I head back to class.
"Where is Midoriya?"
"I took him to the nurses office, he was unconscious at the rooftop sir" I look over at Uraraka with a worried look on my face, she looked back with the same look on her face.
"Very well then, take a seat"
"Yes sir"

Looks like they found out about the bruises..shit. That damn nerd I'm going to fucking kill him! Eventually it was lunch time, that damn nerd still wasn't here. I grab my lunch and walk up to the rooftop.
"Hey you didn't wait for me man!" Ugh Shittyhair is here.
"Let's sit on the bench!" I sit down with my lunch.
"Is that hot sauce all over your food? Isn't that spicy?"
"Shut it Shittyhair!" Is he blind? Of course it's hot sauce. I look up, the rooftop was pretty big it had a lot of benches for people to sit on. Next to me and Weird hair was Deku's group of friends. They all looked worried, Deku was fine after I beat him up! No way in hell he was unconscious, I didn't even go that far. I thought.
"Oh look it's Midoriya! I'll go check how he's doing, wanna come?"
"Hell no" I looked up at that nerd, he was walking towards his friends. He caught me staring and gave me a smile. I could tell that shit was fake! I follow him with my eyes as he sits down with the others.
"Deku are you okay? We were really worried!"
"Midoriya are you all right?"
"Hey man! Are you good?" Those idiots ask.
"Yeah I'm good guys, nothing to worry about!" He replies with a fake ass smile. I finish my food and get up to put the plate back. Most people were almost done eating. It was almost time to go. I go back out the rooftop and find Deku sitting alone. Finally all those bastards left. He was eating his food trying to hurry up to catch up with the others.
"Uh? Hey Kaachan"
"Don't give me that stupid look! Did you tell anyone!?"
"No I didn't" Like fuck I'll believe that! I grab him by the collar making his food fall all over the ground.
"Don't lie to me Deku!"
"I-I'm not lying!" I let out my anger by punching his face, making him fall down on the ground. I could hear him whimper.
"K-Kaachan..w-what was that f-for?" He looks up at me with his hand on his cheek.
"If I get caught it'll be the end for you! You hear me?!"
"I won't tell anyone!" Huh? Does that mean he didn't? I look back at him he was tearing up. He's such a wimp.

I start crying, I try wiping all the tears away. I was just trying to eat, I was starving. I had barely even touched by food and he had to come and throw it.
"I'm hungry.." I mumble out.
"Pfft! Then eat the food on the ground!" I get up and walk to the lunch lady. Bakugo behind me.
"Hey..uh am I allowed to get seconds?" I ask.
"I'm sorry young man but this is for the other students"
"Oh alright, sorry" Kaachan was in front of me, we were both heading to class. As I walked in the hallway, my stomach started growling loudly. It was very embarrassing. He then stops by the door before going in.
"Cover your face" Oh...I don't have anything to cover it with though..
"Here" he hands me a white cotton bandaid. I stick it on my cheek.
"Idiot you didn't even cover the bruise!" He grabs it off my face and leans closer. I close my eyes and flinch. Is he going to hit me? I feel his hand on my cheek, oh he's just sticking the bandaid on. I open my eyes again. He opens the door and we walk in.
"Where were you guys?" Aizawa Sensei looked mad.
"I was finishing my food" He'll believe that right? Besides I walked in the Cafeteria late.
"And you?" He looks over at Kaachan.
"*sigh* sit down" Everyone was staring at us as we walked towards our seats. I sat down at my seat, I sit behind Kaachan. I could feel my cheek starting to sting. From the corner of my eye I could see someone waving at me to get my attention. I look over it was Uraraka. She was pointing at her cheek. Oh she's talking about the bandaid on my face. I smile and mouth the words "it's nothing". I know she didn't believe me, she's probably gonna ask after class. I look up at Aizawa Sensei while he taught us about hero stuff. I opened my notebook to take notes. I forgot my pencil...I look at Bakugo, he was playing with his pencil. I don't think he needs it right? I tap his shoulder, he flinches. I probably scared him, whoops. He turns to look at me.
"Can I borrow your pencil Kaachan?" He hands it to me without a reply.
"Thank you! I'll give it back when I'm done!"
"Midoriya pay attention"
"Ah? Sorry!" I feel my face heat up from embarrassment. I start taking notes, but Aizawa Sensei was already done speaking.
"We have a few minutes left of class, you guys can do whatever. I'm going to take a nap" I have time to take notes!
"Uh Kaachan?"
"Hm?" He groans.
"I-uh can I use your notes?"
"Please? I can do your homework in return!"
"Shut it!" He replies handing me his notebook. I smile.
"Thank you Kaachan!" I open up to the page with today's notes, his notebook was so organized, more than mine! I copy word for word. I finish 5 minutes later.
"Here!" I hand him both his pencil and notebook back.
"Hand me your homework Kaachan, I said I'd do your home-"
"I can do my own homework idiot!"
"Hey Deku!"
"Uh? Oh Uraraka hey"
"What's that on your face Deku?" She pointed at my cheek with a worried look on her face. Knew it, she was gonna ask.
"Oh I fell on my way here haha"
"Hm.." she didn't look pleased with my response.
"Uh it's nothing to worry about! Anyway class is about to end. Want to me to walk you home?"
"U-uh w-what? W-walk me home?! N-nah Im good!" Her face starts turning red.
"Are you okay? Your face is getting red?"
"A-ah? I'm good haha! Also you don't need to walk me home"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah! My house is near the school, you don't need to worry"

I laid back on my chair pretending to be asleep. I was listening to that Round faced girl and Deku's conversation. After that nerd asked to walk her home she began panicking. It's clear that she likes him, but that idiot is too stupid to realize.
*bell rings*
I get up from my seat and get my belongings together.
"See you tomorrow Kaachan!" Deku smiles at me.
"Tch" Why did he say that? We're not friends.

I walk out the classroom, and out the school. I went the opposite way from Iida and Uraraka, so I walked home alone. The only person that went the same way as me was Kaachan, but of course I can't walk home with him. It's a few minutes away it always takes me a while to get there. I look up at the sky while walking along the sidewalk. There were leafs falling everywhere, it looked beautiful. I then hear my phone vibrating in my pocket, I stop walking to take it out. It was my mom.
"Hey mom-"
"Izuku something terrible happened..."
"Huh? What is it? Are you okay mom?"
"Some villain robbed us, I'm at the police station right now"
"Don't go home Izuku, it's dangerous" she added.
"Where should I go then?"
"Well I called Mitsuki, she lives near us. She said it was okay if you spend the night there"
"What about you mom?"
"Well they're going to ask me questions, it'll take a while but I'll be there in a few hours"
"Ok mom, stay safe. I'll go to her house right now."
"Ok bye hun, see you later"
"Bye" I hang up, they robbed my house? I'm glad my moms okay. I hope they didn't steel anything important. Isn't Mitsuki Kaachan's mom? This is going to be difficult.

I just wanted to say that in UA they only have 1 class for the whole day, idk if it works like that in the show but in this story it does. Also Deku has met Bakugo's mom but only as a kid. He doesn't really remember her. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, if you have any questions comment them!

"I hate you" (BakuDeku)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें