While I sat in art class with Lexi, the door opened. In came Nikolai looking shy with all the eyes on him. He looks younger than us so he shouldn't be in here.
"Class, this is Nikolai Carlisle. He is in the year below but his work is outstanding that I decided he needed to be in a higher set. So here he is, be nice and make sure to make him feel welcome. I'm aiming the nice part at you, Eli." Miss Potter looked at me making the class giggle quietly.
She is also a demon making sure I don't kill anyone who makes me angry. Obviously I have Lexi but she isn't with me all the time so I have miss Potter, well Hannah.
I rolled my eyes then carried on with my drawing.
"Take a seat Nick. Is it ok if I call you nick?" She asked him.
"Uh, yeah. A lot of people call me that any way." Nikolai told her. His voice very much quiet but still heard over the silence of the lesson.
"Nick, come sit with us." Lexi waved him over. I sighed knowing this would be a long lesson of Lexi talking so much. It's even worse that she has someone to talk to now.
Nikolai took a deep breath before closing the door then sitting next to Lexi. He took out his sketchbook and started drawing like me.
"What are you drawing?" Lexi leaned over the table.
"Uh, well I wasn't drawing anything. But I was thinking of doing a wolf howling to a full moon." He told her just above a whisper.
"Oh cool. Maybe you could collaborate with Eli. He can do a simple sketch for you then you do all the detail and shit like that."
"Uh, no, it's uh ok. He looks busy." He sighed.
I breathed in deeply through my nose and pushed my sketchbook away from me. Then I gestured for Nikolai to give me his book which he hesitantly did. When I got it, I put it down then did a quick simple sketch.
It showed the wolf, the moon and a couple trees. It wasn't much with my sketch but it'll get better when Nick finishes. For art we all have three hours of it so we can do one or two drawings every day which I find great because most of my school day consists of me drawing.
Once I was done, I gave the book back to him which he took. As soon as it was in his hands I went back to my drawing. It wasn't much, just a weird demon drawing. I don't always draw demons, I've done vampire, wolves, half man half wolf for werewolves.
What can I say? I like drawing. I picked it up when I first came to earth. That's where I met miss Potter, she took me and Lexi under her wing until we started travelling. But when we came back for school she welcomed us into her home with her boyfriend, who is also a demon.
"Look how cool this is." Lexi pulled my book from me and handed it to Nikolai. I huffed out and leaned back on my chair. Any chance this girl could show off my drawings she take it.
"T-that's cool." He stuttered.
"See, like yours. Both of you are very good." Lexi smiled at him. "I wish I was as good as you two but I'm not."
"Eli where's your work? Have you been slacking off in my class?" Miss Potter called out.
"No." I rolled my eyes. "Lexi happened." Yeah, I'm a man of short sentences.
"Lexi, what have I told you about taking Eli's work? Come on, give it back and do some drawing." Hannah told her.
"Sorry." Lexi blushed. Nikolai handed the book back to Lexi and she gave it to me. Only she didn't listen to Hannah, she started blabbering to Nick who was drawing like me.
I bent down to my bag and pulled out a lollipop for Lexi. I took off the wrapper and shoved into her mouth. "Shut up." I mumbled.
A cheeky smile made its way on to her lips as she happily sucked on the sweet treat. Hannah knew I did this a lot to Lexi just so she could be quiet for ten minutes and people could actually get work done.
Just then, Lexi tried to move my arms. After five minutes, she smacked my arm making me turn and glare at her. Huffing, I leaned back so she could straddle my lap. Yeah, Lexi likes to do this a lot.
Her arms wrapped around my torso as mine went over her shoulders. Once she was comfortable, I leaned forward a little so I could carry on drawing.
So this is the thing, Lexi loves hugs and child things. Like parks, sweets and hugs. She is in love with cuddling people no matter who it is. As long as she has a lollipop and a person to cuddle, she'll be quiet for as long as you want her to.
She is a weird little demon this girl. But she is a reason that I still have any feelings at all. But she isn't the only reason that keeps me going, I just didn't realise it then.
Soon enough the class was almost finished so people were packing up. That was until I was cut off my Nikolai placing his sketchbook in front of me. He had done so much detail and definition I couldn't believe he had done it. I was impressed.
Lexi was right, he doesn't need anymore classes because he's already so good. Better than good really. To be honest I think he's better than me at art, and I'm pretty much the best in the class other than Hannah.
"Nice." Was all I said before handing it back to him.
"Thanks I guess." He mumbled.
"I wanna see." Lexi jumped from my lap and went up to Nick.
He handed her his book which she started in awe at.
"I think you're better than Eli, and he's the best in the class. Well whole school. Damn, you might have to draw Eli next or something to see how that comes out." She stated.
"I'm not as good as Eli." Nick told her as he blushed a little.
"Shut up. Yes you are, this is so good. Come on, let's go back to my house then you and Eli can do more. Let's go." Lexi grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room.
I groaned and grabbed all three bags knowing Lexi wouldn't be letting nick go home until she gets what she wants.

ParanormalEli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...