You fool, Aria-chan, I thought sadly. You prepared your heart for today, but it was miserably a failure... Your heart already messed up, dumb-ass.

From my peripheral vision, I could see Haruto was staring at me. I tried to ignore him but it was too distracting. I looked back and asked him, "What is it, now?"

"You're acting different today, Aria-chan." He commented.

I rolled my eyes and thought out loud about whose faults it is.

"Nope, I'm fine. It's just sooo cold." I lied smoothly.

Well, I didn't entirely lie, though. The weather is a mild winter, yeah, but it was still freezing me to death— even though I was already using my winter coat. If it wasn't for my dumb curiousity, I wouldn't bother to go outside this far in this kind of weather.

"Well, I warned you." Haruto replied.

"Stop, you annoyed me with your oh-I-am-so-right kind of attitude." I said, only getting a wicked laugh response from Haruto.

"C'mon, we're getting closer." He said while walking faster, leaving me who walked stumbingly behind him.

"Wait, please walk slower! I don't have legs and balance like you, in case you forget!" I exclaimed.

"Who's to blame?" he asked playfully.

"Surely not mine, I'm just out of luck when it comes to DNA's distribution."

Haruto let out a small laugh. "C'mon, you're not that bad. Stop degrading yourself."

"Sorry, but it's just difficult when there's you."

"I'll take that as a compliment?" He asked while grinning stupidly.

I hitted his shoulder. "Shut up."

Finally, we arrived at the beachwalk. There were barely people in here, of course— who's dumbass go to the beach when it's winter? Apparently it's just me and other silly tourists.

The icy wind hitted us hard, sending a shiver all over my body. I hugged my body to endure the coldness. I walked closer to the sea, walking carefreely on top of the waves. Then, I screamed out of the lungs, "AAAAHHH!!!"

It turns out to feel better than I thought before.

"What are you doing?" Haruto asked me in amusement.

"I always want to do that," I said cheekily. "And if you pointed out how there's beaches in my country too, nope it's different."

"How so?" Haruto asked curiously.

I spaced out while staring emptily to the deep, dark-blue sea before answering him.

"I don't know, it's just the winter brings out the sea more... saddening? So screaming in this kind of vibes is more satisfying."

Haruto chuckled. "You're weird, Aria."

My heart skipped a beat. Haruto was calling my name without any honorifics. Just my name: Aria. I didn't know before if being called by your name would feel so nice like this... Or is it just simply because of him?

"Hey, let's buy drinks." Haruto pointed the vending machine on the sitting area near us.

I nodded vigorously. "Ye-yeah!"

"What do you want?" Haruto asked when we arrived in front of the vending machine.

"Banana yogurt!" I shouted without hesitance.

"God, you drink this like everyday." Haruto whined.

"Talk to yourself, baka, you consume soft drinks like it's water." I replied when I saw him choosing his favorite brand of soda. Melon flavor.

"Eww, I don't even like water! Soft drink is soft drink, okay?"

"God, you're consuming all of those unhealthy and no nutritious foods, but look at you— still growing like a tree."

He winked playfully. "What can I say, I'm born with this body."

"Buy me the drinks instead if you don't want me to puke."

"Nice try, noona. Now, give me 100 yen." He asked the money to me, giving me his pretty palm.

"Alright, I'll only change my mind because you called me noona." I gave him the money. Haruto only shook his head, looking disbelief with my attitude.

We were sitting peacefully side to side in the sitting area, drinking our own drink while staring at the sea.

"This is nice," Haruto said quietly.

"Right? Winter beach is such a vibe." I replied excitedly.

We were in silence again, but it was back to peaceful silence again.

"Haruto," I broke the silence first. "Are you happy? About you're getting a debut." I asked him curiously.

Haruto scratched his nose. "Yes, of course. But I'm also anxious. It just feels a little bit unreal, so I keep thinking how these things will eventually mess up."

"Hey, don't think like that!" I scolded him.

Haruto smiled sadly. "Can't stop it, but I try to be more positive, though. But those anxious feelings will always be there with or without me realizing."

I touched his arm softly. "It will be okay, I promise." I assured him.

Haruto was looking at my arm that touched him, then he looked up to my face. His perfect dreamy brown eyes were giving me a disapproving look.

"Don't promise something you'll forget, baka." He said solemnly, as if I ever did that to him.

"What? Did I ever forget my promise?" I asked confusedly, feeling clueless.

"Wow, you'll be surprised, though." He said in sarcasm.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked him sternly. "You've been like this since yesterday. Will you tell me? You're always honest and straight-forward, so be like that kid again." I asked in frustration, hopefully wishing for him to open up firstly.

He stared at me in the same frustration with me, and I could feel if I'm being selfish again. I knew exactly what he was into, but I still acted like I'm clueless.

I'm the worst, really.

"I just don't want to make you uncomfortable again." He said in a hoarse voice.

"It's worth it if it makes you not sulking like this again." I insisted.

Haruto stared at me more intensely. He was ready to say something, but ended up closing his lips again. I waited patiently for his next move.

"Nothing to say?" I asked him after he was just in dead silence.

"There's a lot, but it just wouldn't come out." He replied abruptly.

"Fine, let me say something first, then." I said in determination.

Haruto's eyes were widening, giving me a full of expectation gaze.

I inhaled, then exhaled. It's okay, I've been preparing for this since last night, so I must be able to say this. For Haruto.

And for the sake out of me.

"Haruto, listen..."



You probably guessed what is Aria about to saying, but I'll just want to keep you wondering if maybe she's being a dumbass again in the nexh chapter... will she? 🤔

Anyway! Please keep voting if you're like this story guys! And don't hesitate to leave a comment, it will keep me inspired~ 🥺

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