I walked through the halls of my new collage. I died at 17 so I could get away with doing two years at college then three years at university for a degree. After that, I move somewhere else in England or around the world.
I am 272 years old but I've been dead for 255 years. Lucifer told me to go from when I was born to make me seem older but I clarify with every demon I meet. My best friend Lexi is 217. She counts from when she died which was 217 years ago but died at 18 years old.
Lexi never told me how she got to hell, she said it was personal so I never asked. She keeps me in check with my moody personality and hatred towards everyone. Literally.
Lexi has to always apologise on my behalf because I'm so moody and anti social at college. But here I am, walking through the halls that was new to me.
That was until I was tackled to the ground with familiar red hair in my face.
"Fucking bitch." I growled and pushed her off me to stand up.
"Nice to see you to bitch." Lexi smiled at me. I rolled my eyes then went to the office with my friend next to me trying to keep up with my long strides.
"Will you slow the fuck down?" Lexi tugged at my arm. I huffed then bent down and picked her up, sitting the small girl on my hip.
We made it to the office with Lexi blabbing my ear off about her summer in Tokyo with Brandon. He's another demon who goes between earth and hell giving updates to lucifer about the demons that live on earth. Making sure they don't do anything stupid or fall for humans.
It's a stupid rule really because you can't help who you fall in love with. I thought I was in love once, it turned out she was cheating on me throughout the whole relationship. But Lexi was there to help me get through it.
We actually travelled around the world a little which was alright. It's partly why I'm so moody and hate everyone really. When I think I actually have someone that will stick around, they up and leave. Or they pass away and go to heaven and I can't see them.
It's not their fault they pass away but it still hurts to see people you love die. In the end I just gave up and put on a mean face. Lexi is the only one I don't snap at and tell to fuck off or leave me alone.
Literally, only Lexi. There has been that odd occasion that I've yelled at lucifer but that resulted me being put in a cell. Yes a cell. I have had to stay in a hell cell because I've told lucifer to fuck off. Yeah, not being able to stretch your wings for two weeks is a piss take but it's what I deserve for shouting at my father figure.
I set Lexi on the floor when we got into the office with other students. We got our time tables and went to walk away. Only for my body to freeze when I heard that annoying fucking high pitched voice.
"Eli." Amanda called. This Bitch followed me everywhere. She thinks I'm hers when I'm not. She followed me to this college so I have to find a way to put up with her for the next two years and not kill myself. Ironic isn't it, she makes me want to kill myself even though I'm already dead.
I quickly picked Lexi up again sitting her on my hip so I could get my arse out of there. Hell nah, I'm not fucking talking to Amanda or whatever even if she was the last human on this earth. I'd rather hook up with my Lexi, and I see her as a sister.
Because Lexi is my little sister. I protect her, I make sure she's got food and makes sure she stretches her wings. And that I pretty much carry the little girl everywhere. She's 5 foot 6 which is average height for girls but it's easy for me to carry her as well since I'm abnormally tall, being 6 foot 8.
I took Lexi's time table from her to see we have all the same classes, thank god. So I headed to our first lesson, history.

ParanormalEli sold his soul to the devil to save his family and his village. He asked for fertile lands with clean water. The devil granted him that but it all went wrong when Eli went out of village borders and got tuberculosis. He died and went to hell sinc...