Hot Springs

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Soaking up the heated waters, allowing your tense muscles to drain away comfortably, Shiro circled the waters with a towel you placed upon his head. He looked rather content, never having anything like this previously so he took advantage as you relaxed against the side with your elbows hooked out of the water. "I can't believe we have this all to ourselves!" You chimed out softly stretching your limbs.

"It seems...strange. Though, I'm not complaining otherwise I wouldn't be able to enjoy this". He sniffed out checking the area once more. His face took itself to direct at the door behind you. "What is it?" you said slightly tense at his actions, "Kakuzu is heading this way". You turned your head behind to look in the direction he was in, "Kakuzu?" you called out towards the closed door.

"Come out I need to talk to you, now". By his stern voice you got up, holding tightly on the towel around you and Shiro took it upon himself to stand between, poor raptor seems incredibly protective over you when you're vulnerable like this, lacking clothes. It's sweet really. You opened the door to get yourself changed and headed to the main room where even Tobi and Hidan were with towels over their heads/ shoulders to wipe up the residue of water from their hair.

Taking your place at the spare cushion aside Tobi at the Chabudai, Kakuzu spoke up, "There seems to be something happening in this village from the rumours I've been hearing whilst looking for him".

"Well spit it out will you?" Hidan gurgled impatiently.

"Women have been going missing. Children too. Word suggests its our guy but we can't be for sure. Whenever I've asked for a description its different every time. Something tells me he hides with the transformation jutsu"

"This would explain why I'm the only female in this resort.." You mumbled looking at Shiro for answers. "I'm staying the night, you won't be his target" Shiro snarled.

"Is this the same guy we're looking for then?" Hidan asked.

"Potentially, I'll head out tomorrow for more information"

"Why not now?"

"Don't be a fool. its late, If I go asking for information around this time it'll only cause suspicion"

"Well it's a good thing we have Shiro to sniff this guy out eh?!" Tobi said supportively. He lent forward to pat Shiro's head and to your surprise Shiro actually accepted this action.

"Hmph, if he was in the forest I would easily be able to track him down without all these chakra signatures in the height of the village making the scent weaker".

"What if I-"

"No" all in unison say.

"I didn't even get to say my idea!" you crossed your arms peeved.
"Did you not just hear Kakuzu? He just said this guy is after women and children! Have you forgotten you're one!?" Hidan bellowed.

"Exactly! What if I lure him out?"
Kakuzu grunted disapprovingly to your idea. "Your job is to stay in the shadows, not to risk being captured".

You sighed out trying to think of another plan. "Oi Kakuzu you said nothing can be done until morning right? So let's just go downstairs and have a drink already" Hidan mused.
"Hmph, No. If you want a drink, have it here. I don't like the idea of [Y/N] being seen by the public, he could be anyone for all we know"

"Pfft under house arrest.."

Kakuzu glared at you for this comment, "It's for your own good".

"I can take care of myself.." you pouted under your breath.

Shiro wrapped his tail around you, "You have me for company".

"And Tobiiii!~" Rolling your eyes you thought it really wasn't so bad. After all, you were at a holiday resort. But still. You wanted to be a part of this mission and Leader originally was going to send you on this quest. Though after finding out this news from Kakuzu's scope around the village, it's a blessing in disguise the zombie pair joined too.


The next day Kakuzu sternly told you to stay in the room with the exception of the hot spring on the condition of Shiro's presence. Tobi was to join Kakuzu, he would have said Hidan but he too had to seclude himself for they feared he would become noticed and cause a freak out in the now calm village, making the mission all the more difficult than they needed it to be. So yourself, Hidan and Shiro went to the springs once more. Hidan would talk to you from the other side of the fence whilst soaking in the springs to keep himself from becoming too bored. The resort they chose was quiet this time of year aside the odd elderly gentlemen. It wasn't until a staff member arrived to speak to the elderly man. "Sir, I have placed your order outside of your room".

"Why, Thank you young man" he spoke.
Hidan continued to privately pray to his lord in apologies for the lack of sacrifices the past day or so. Suddenly Hidan felt this wretched presence as he opened one eye. Sensing he was being gawked at, he started to become irritated so he stared back to see that the staff member watching him had a bizarre expression on his face. He knows he needs to keep his cool in order to avoid his presence becoming known so he gritted his teeth in his best attempt of being polite, "Is there a problem?"

The staff member jolted in realisation he was staring and turned his person, "I apologise, I just thought I recognised you sir.."
Crap, Hidan thought and turned slightly tilting his bangs over his face, "Nah, I'm not from here". He said in hopes this would make him leave. The man stared intently at Hidan's necklace leaving with a small smirk and a bow. The frail older customer turned to make his leave along with the staff member, causing Hidan to be by himself in the spring. He then sunk himself lower into the heated pool where his nose and eyes were the only thing out of the water along with a damp towel balancing on his head, enjoying the heat that surrounded him.

10 minutes or so past and Shiro started sniffing. He sensed something but couldn't quite put his nose on it. "[Y/N] I'll be back, stay here". The water kept calling you so you were more than okay with hanging around in spite of the slight form of concern at the velociraptor's actions. Shiro eventually found your shared room, thankfully his stealthy skills allowed him to sneak up unnoticed, what more was the room was closer to the female springs which came to his advantage. Shiro continued to snuff out around the room, scanning steadily.

"Someone's been in here..".

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