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Eli Hale was the average teenager. Except he was not all that he seemed. Back in 1757, he sold his soul to save his family and village.

Eli sold his soul so his village would have fertile lands, clean water and free of any diseases that came its way. That was granted if he went to hell when he died, which Eli agreed with.

After two weeks, harvest was going great, rivers and lakes were fresh with water. Diseases were cleared up and no one had gotten sick again. That was until Eli had got tuberculosis and died.

When he woke again he was in front of the devil himself sat on his throne.

"Eli." Lucifer gave him a curt nod.

"Lucifer." Eli stood and returned the nod.

"I'm sorry but when you went to get rabbits for your town you caught tuberculosis from being outside of the town borders. You clearly died so I'm going to give you a choice." He told him.

Eli nodded waiting for lucifer to continue.

"Since you did a bad thing for good, I'll give the the choice to stay here in hell, or live on earth."

"I want to live on earth." Eli got out immediately.

"But there are rules." Lucifer sighed knowing the young boy wanted to be with his family.

"Yes, I'll do anything."

"Like any other demon, you'll have the powers in and out of hell. You must stretch your wings every day and fly but you'll be able to use the powers to make yourself invisible to the human eye. You must not, and I mean not be intimate with a human because they only die and there is a chance they will go to heaven."

"Ok. I won't fall in love, I'll practice to use whatever power I have. And I'll stretch my wings or whatever." Eli called out, desperate to get back to his family.

"Eli you can't go back to your family. They've already buried you so there is no way you can. If you want to see them it can only be when you're invisible to the human eye. Eli you must stay away from your family and pretty much your village until they forget about you. That'll take a couple years yet they will never forget the bravery you showed to stand up to me. I don't say this often but I'm sorry Eli, you just can't go back." Lucifer sighed.

Tears formed in Eli's eyes with a lump in his throat. "Can you tell me when they will die?" His voice cracked.

"I can't see into the future, and if I did you wouldn't be able to change the fate of a person. Eli you either watch them from afar or you stay in hell."

"Can I stay here and practice whatever I have? Then when I'm done and got it I'll leave. I'll watch them from afar."

"Of course. My brother is the best trainer so he'll help you. Once again Eli, I'm sorry. You don't deserve to be here." Lucifer gave him a soft smile.

And it all began from there.

Eli got used to his powers and becoming a demon, he almost accepted it but wasn't fully ready. He had made friends and had a two hell hounds to keep him company when he wanted to be alone.

When Eli was ready to go to earth, he went to Lucifer who became a father figure to him very much. Seeing as demons couldn't reproduce, Lucifer saw Eli as his son, more than any other demon he had met.

They both said their goodbyes and Eli went to earth. Lucifer had made him a small house in the next town over from where his family lived.

As time went on, Eli had got anxious knowing he would have to see his parents and little sister pass on. And that's what happened, first to go was his mum, then his sister and lastly his father. They all had been so pure and went to heaven. He learned angles didn't get the choice to leave or not since only top rank angles could.

Each funeral he was far but never to far away from him family. He mourned his losses but got over it. Eli slowly lost friends since they had grown old and died going to heaven or staying in hell to torture those of bad.

This was only the beginning of Eli's journey though.

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